Book changes and replies to recent letters

Dewey B. Larson
755 N.E. Royal Court
Portland, Oregon 97232


June 24, 1981

Mr. Jan N. Sammer
78 Hartley Ave.
Princeton, N. J. 08540

Dear Mr. Sammer:

I am returning The Mechanism of the Universe with the changes that I think are advisable. The quotation from Shapiro is from the Technology Review (MIT), Dec. I975, page 65. According to a note that I found in my files, the quotation from Bush is from page 163, but unfortunately the note does not say what book. I was intending to check this at a library, but I did not get around to it while I had a chance, and now I am tied down for a while by an ankle injury. So I am sending you what I have, and if you need the information on the Bush quotation before I am able to look for it, you can no doubt find it in the Princeton U. Library. Bush did not write very many books. I think that the quotation probably came from one entitled Science is Not Enough. The quotation From Finlay-Freundlich is from Volume 105, page 237. I do not have the date.

As to the Who’s Who listing, I appreciate your efforts, but I am afraid that what little information I can give you will not help much. The kind of a task that I have undertaken requires a full working lifetime just to get a reasonably good start, and there is no time for the kind of activities that look good on a biographical resume. There is a saying among historians that “Happy are the people whose annals are brief,” but the biographers do not look at it in that way. In any event, here are the brief annals:

Born, Nov. 1, 1898 at McCanna, N. D, Married 1932 to Dorothy E. Smith. Children: Linda, Ronald (Lt. USAF, Deceased WW II). Present address, 755 N. E. Royal Court, Portland, Ore. B. S. Oregon State Univ., 1922. Registered Mechanical Engineer (Oregon). Publications (you already have this information), 2nd Lt., U. S. Army, WW I.

Sincerely yours,


International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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