Kronos ad

Nov. 7, 1983

Dear Dewey:

I have given some more thought to the proposed Kronos ad, and it appears to me that it would be superfluous. The Hoff review, being framed in terms of the typical Kronos reader’s interest, should by itself bring some inquiries to NPP—I’ll make sure the publisher’s full address is included. It is doubtful if an ad would add significantly to the response likely to be generated by the review. Please let me know what you think about this. (In any case there is no rush, as the issue is not scheduled to appear before February). The galley proofs of the review are enclosed.

I have been trying to arrange another review to be written by Robert Schadewald. Schadewald is a subscriber to Reciprocity and a professional science writer. He told me he would speak to Kendrick Frazier, one-time editor of Science News, and presently editor of The Skeptical Enquirer. I am sending him a copy of NFS.

My best,

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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