1986-08-15 11th Annual Business Meeting, New York City, NY, USA


Friday, August 15, 1986, at the Law Building of Columbia University, New York City, New York. The business meeting of the International Society of Unified Science was called to order at 2:06 pm by Frank Meyer, president. Six members were present: Frank Meyer, K.V.K. Nehru, Ronald Satz, Jan Sammer, Maurice Gilroy, and Edward Navarro; one additional member, David Halprin, was in contact by phone at the end of the second portion of the meeting.

  1. The secretary read the minutes of the business meeting of the tenth annual convention, held at Portland, Oregon. They were approved.
  2. Since the treasurer, Rainer Huck, was not present, President Meyer read the treasurer's report (sent by mail). The net balance of ISUS as of August 8th was $1622.53. Pending various corrections and clarifications, the treasurer's report was not approved.
  3. The president then asked for Old Business,
    1. Reciprocity Journal
      Editors Meyer and Sammer reported on the past year of work on Reciprocity. They made the following points:
      1. The regular issuing of Reciprocity is very important. Only 1 double issue has been published so far rather
        than the two that were planned. Three more issues are scheduled for this year; the next one will be at the end of August.
      2. The conference papers (by Satz and Nehru) will be published and the serialization of Vol. II of Larson's revised Structure of the Physical Universe will continue for a few more chapters.
      3. More quality papers are needed to keep to the publishing schedule of four issues a year.
        After a discussion of the desired types of papers, member Gilroy moved and member Satz seconded that Reciprocity be a research journal, not a recruitment tool per se. The motion carried. Then member Navarro moved and member Sammer seconded that member Robin Sims be asked to mail out post cards every 2 months to subscribers or members whose subscription or dues have elapsed. The motion carried.
    2. Mailing list
      Member Navarro discussed the necessity for having someone keep track of the subscription list by computer. It was recalled that member Sims had volunteered last year to do just that. It was then agreed to have members Meyer, Sammer, and Hack send their lists of names to member Sims for consolidation and computerization. Also, member Navarro moved and member Sammer seconded to have member Sims print out a state-by-state listing of ISUS members to aid the formation of local chapters and meetings. The motion carried.
    3. ISUS News
      The next issue of ISUS News will contain convention news and the minutes of the business meeting.
    4. Advertising
      Member Gilroy moved and member Sammer seconded to ask member Huck to enter a cooperative venture with North Pacific Publishers for the advertisement of Larson's books and for the recruitment of new ISUS members. The motion carried.
    5. Gift Subscriptions
      Member Navarro moved and member Sammer seconded to have ISUS News print a call for names and addresses of individuals who are deserving of a free issue or two of Reciprocity. The Board will have the final say as to who gets the issues. The goal is to increase subscriptions and ISUS membership. The motion carried.
  4. The president then called for New Business.

    As it was nearing 5 pm, the president asked for a motion to adjourn and to reconvene the next day. The motion was made by a chorus of members and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:54 pm.

    1. Next Year's Convention
    2. First came the subject of next year's convention. The following cities were considered: Wi I Iiamsburg, VA; Valentia, CA; Salt Lake City, UT; Los Angeles, CA; Adrian, Ml; Minneapolis, MN; Montreal, QB; Toronto, ON; Cincinnati, OH. After discussion, the members agreed to give Toronto priority 1, Los Angeles priority 2, and Wi I Iiamsburg priority 3. The secretary will poll the Board members for the final determination.
    3. ISUS Charter
    4. Next the president began a discussion of the charter of ISUS. Members Satz and Gilroy strongly urged the organization not to alter or modify the goal of "advancing the Reciprocal System of physical theory". In particular, members Satz and Gilroy urged the organization not to be involved in any social causes whatever.
    5. Teleconferencing
    6. Member Sammer proposed to check on the cost and feasibility of an annual or biannual teleconference. Member Gilroy seconded the motion, which carried.
    7. Offprint Series
    8. Member Sammer next gave a report on the offprint series of Reciprocity papers. The papers are selected on member Satz's suggestions, typeset by member Sammer, and photocopied by member Huck. So far the response has been very favorable.
    9. Dues and Subscriptions
    10. Member Navarro moved to raise ISUS dues to $25 and Reciprocity subscriptions to $15. However, member Satz moved to table the motion pending a run of his OPTIMAL MANAGER Software Package to determine the optimal pricing. Satz's motion carried.
  5. The president reconvened the business meeting at 8:03 pm, August 16, at member Sammer's apartment on Riverside Drive. Members Meyer, Sammer, Satz, Navarro, and Gilroy were present. Member Nehru had left to visit relatives.
    1. Larson's Basic Properties of Matter
    2. Member Sammer proposed to use the new techniques of desktop publishing to print Vol. II of Larson's revised Structure of the Physical Universe. The Basic Properties of Matter. The goal is to sell 100 subscriptions to ISUS members for $35 each and to print the copies July, 1987. All the members present had a hand in the discussion. It was agreed that member Sammer would work with Mr. Larson and North Pacific Publishers to draw up an announcement to be mailed to all ISUS members and Reciprocity subscribers.
    3. Board Elections
    4. Next, the Board elections were held. The terms of Board members Curtin, Halprin, Blackburn, Porter, and Schumacher were up. The following members were nominated: Navarro, Halprin, Blackburn, and Curtin. Member Gilroy moved and member Satz moved to close the nominations. The motion carried. Then member Gilroy moved and member Satz seconded to approve the nominees by acclamation. The motion carried. So, the 1986-1987 Board consists of the following individuals: Blackburn, Curtin, Halprin, and Navarro (with two years to go at the end of next year); Anderson, Huck, Long, Meyer, Satz, and Studtmann (with 1 year to go at the end of next year); and Gilroy, Nehru, Sammer, and Sims (up for reelection next year).
    5. Editorship
    6. Member Navarro moved and member Gilroy seconded to appoint member Sammer Editor of Reciprocity and member Meyer Senior Editor. The motion carried.
    7. Elections of Officers
    8. Member Gilroy moved and member Navarro seconded that the present officers be reelected for another term. The motion carried by acclamation. Thus Meyer will remain president, Curtin will remain vice president, Huck will remain treasurer, and Satz will remain secretary.

The president then expressed thanks to member Sammer for hosting the 1986 convention and to member Satz for teaching the advanced 4-day course on the Reciprocal System. Member Gilroy moved and member Sammer seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 pm.

Ronald W. Satz Secretary, ISUS

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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