
Concerning the general nature of motion as the basis of the universe

Is Motion Prior to Matter?

Frank Meyer raises the question of "motion prior to matter" in this article [Solid Cohesion and the Expanding Universe, Reciprocity XVI, #3, p. 13]. This concept is derived from the progression of the natural reference system?1 unit of space per 1 unit of time—the motion of "no-thing" which is assumed to exist prior to any displacement resulting in the formation of matter.

The ratio of 1/1 equals 1, unity. "Unity," being composed of two aspects, is the ultimate oxymoron.

The Nature of Motion

Abstract: Analysis of the data from observation shows that gravita­tion and the recession of the distant galaxies are negative (inward) and positive (outward) scalar motions respectively, and that some other basic physical phenomena not currently recognized as motions are also motions of this same type. Identification of the scalar nature of these motions enables clarification of a number of long-standing issues in physical science.

Dimensions in the Universe of Motion

In my publications I have followed a general policy of not duplicating material that is readily available in the textbooks, in order to conserve space for the new ideas that I am presenting. I therefore do not define terms that are in general use, commenting on the usage only where I have introduced some new concept, or have modified the meaning of a term. There was some confusion about my usage of the term “direction” originally, and I had occasion to discuss this matter in some of my publications. (See, for instance, Nothing But Motion, p.

Changing Concepts of the Nature of Motion

When the theory of the universe of motion, the Reciprocal System of theory as we are calling it, was first being introduced to the scientific community in books and lectures, about twenty-five years ago, one of the principal obstacles with which we had to contend was the generally accepted concept of the nature of motion, in which motion is regarded as a continuous change in the position of some “thing” in a three-dimensional space that acts as a background or container. In the Reciprocal System of theory, motion is defined simply as a relation between space and time, which means that “things” do not participate in the simplest types of motion. For those who were not willing to entertain the possibility that their basic concept of the nature of motion might be wrong, this closed the door to any consideration of the new theory, in spite of the outstanding successes of that theory in dealing with the most recalcitrant and long-standing problems of physical science.

The Nature of Scalar Rotation

An article by Maurice Gilroy in a recent issue of Reciprocity1 clearly brings to focus the fact that more fundamental theoretical work needs to be done on the rotational motions of atoms. Few years ago, studying the electric ionization characteristics of the elements in the context of the Reciprocal System, I had come to the same conclusion with regard to the non-conformist nature of the lanthanides. Presently I have made a more detailed examination of the mathematical structure of the scalar rotational motion with a view to obtain some insight into these fundamentals. I am reporting in this Paper the results of this study. My conclusions, as yet, are by no means final. However, it is felt desirable, in view of the maiden nature of the exploration, to invite comments and discussion before bestowing further efforts on it.

Scalar Motion

Whenever a new physical theory appears, one of the first objectives of the supporters of that theory is to find a crucial experiment, an experiment whose results agree with the new theory, but are definitely in conflict with its predecessors. This is a difficult undertaking, not only because it is hard to find an experiment of the right kind, but also because the results of that experiment, if an experiment is found, can usually be accommodated to existing theory by ad hoc assumptions of one kind or another. And the scientific community prefers to accept a modified theory of that kind, in preference to an entirely new theory, even if the modifications require such wild ideas as black holes or charmed quarks. Nevertheless, a crucial experiment occasionally does make its appearance.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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