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A very old site on the Reciprocal System, is being deprecated and its contents have been merged into The old links from search engines should continue to work over the next year, pointing to the corresponding pages on this site. Many thanks to Jan Sammer for keeping that site going for all these years.

Welcome to the Reciprocal System of theory

The Reciprocal System of physical theory (“RS” theory) was created by chemical engineer Dewey B. Larson during the 1940s to 1950s, after noticing that properties of the elements in the Periodic Table could be easily determined if one were to assume that time had three dimensions, instead of one. Larson realized that these three, temporal dimensions had the same properties as our three, conventional spatial dimensions, which led him to the conclusion that there were actually three dimensions of space/time, each dimension of space pairing up with a dimension of time as a ratio. The inverse relation of space to time is what is commonly called speed (miles per hour, meters per second, etc), or in a more general sense, motion. By assuming that motion rather than matter was the actual building block of Nature, he was able to deduce the structure of our physical universe through natural consequences, from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy.

Around Unexpected Corners

About twenty years ago Dr. James B. Conant, at that time president of Harvard University, gave a talk to a group of chemists and chemical executives in which he expressed serious concern over the effect on scientific progress that was likely to result from the virtual disappearance of what he called the “uncommitted investigators,” a term which he applied to those individuals who carry on scientific research work on their own initiative, without support from or direction by the established research agencies. As Dr. Conant put it, these individuals “could investigate what they pleased when they pleased, or break off research at any point. They were as free as the wind because they had no program except the ever-changing one in their own minds.”

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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