![]() | Phillip Porter, P.E. | Phil Porter (retired), a professional engineer, has served as the Senior Software Programmer for Healthcare Software Systems and has been engaged in the study, research and development of the Reciprocal System of theory since the 1976. He has been a long standing Trustee and former President of the ISUS. He has been an Associate Editor of the journal Reciprocity since its inception, selecting the content to be published in the quarterly periodical, published the book, Basic Properties of Matter, and has been in-charge of organizing the Annual Research Conferences of the ISUS for over a two decades. Porter is currently a full-time researcher into the Reciprocal System, with particular focus on the thermo-electric properties of materials. |
![]() | Prof. KVK Nehru, Ph.D | Dr. K.V.K. Nehru (retired, now a full-time researcher into the Reciprocal System) is a Mechanical Engineer by profession and had been a senior Professor of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India. He had also been instrumental for the inception of the Center for Energy Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad and acted as its head. He has occupied several administrative positions such as the Director of the Institute of PG Studies & Research, and the Registrar of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. He has been associated with the development of the Reciprocal System, working along with its creator, Dewey B. Larson and his collaborators. He has contributed nearly 70 original Papers to Reciprocity, been the author of The Collected Writings of KVK Nehru and also been one of the associate editors of the Journal. |
![]() | Dr. Gopi Krishna Vijaya, Ph.D | Gopi Krishna Vijaya has completed his undergraduate physics training from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India), and his Ph.D in Physics (Solar Energy) from the University of Houston. He is engaged in the study of the Reciprocal System of theory, especially as a way to inculcate Goethean thought into modern physics in the particular areas of solid-state phenomena. He is also involved in the development of projective geometry as applied to electromagnetic behavior, and atomic structure. Dr. Vijaya is currently a part-time researcher at the International Society of Unified Science. |
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