Reciprocity and Infected foot!

Dewey B. Larson
755 N.E. Royal Court
Portland, Oregon 97232

June 28, 1986

Dear Jan:

The copy of Reciprocity and the advertising material arrived yesterday. As I said in our telephone conversation, I will have to clear this material with Rainer, as I would like to have him sign the letter. I asked him for any suggestions that he might have as to modifications, but he and Robin Sims were just leaving on a trip when he received my letter, so I won’t hear from him until they get back. I have also done considerable polishing on the outline while I have been waiting, so I hope that making changes in the text will not involve an excessive amount of work.

Aside from that polishing, I have not done much for a month or so, as I have been having problems. First, I was grounded for a couple of weeks with an infected foot. Then I developed some kind of back trouble that the doctors have not been able to identify. I suggested that I was just falling apart, but they don’t regard that as a very helpful diagnosis.

The issue of Reciprocity looks quite professional. It should make a good impression on your clientele.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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