Philadelphia transcript

Sept. 22, 1982

Dear Dewey:

I have finally had the chance to finish the transcript of your talk in Philadelphia. A copy is enclosed. It reads very well, but you will probably want to make some changes. I would appreciate it if you could send these to me, along with any suggestions for submitting it for publication.

I appreciate the concern you express in your letter. I was certainly sorry to have missed the party at Ron’s house. I tried to reach you afterwards, but could not get through. Still, I would not put the theft of the battery in the category of “misfortune”—it was just an aggravation. All the important things went very well, and to have the chance to spend a few days with both of you was priceless. A little belatedly I want to thank you and Dorothy for your kindness on the many occasions when you so generously hosted me. I certainly would love to take up your offer of visiting you in Portland, though my schedule rules it out for the near future. There is quite a lot of other business—including some material I have recently received from Prof. Nehru—in which I will write separately.

With best wishes,

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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