Oct. 11, 1983
Dear Dewey:
You have often stressed the need for the offensive approach towards the ruling “inventive” paradigm. I wonder if you know just how much of that has been done by Herbert Dingle. I enclose a copy of his 1972 book Science at the Crossroads: I think you’ll find it of interest for several reasons. Dingle has numerous supporters—among them Prof. Ian McCausland of the University of Toronto, whose article on the controversy appears in the current (October) issue of Wireless World. I have been in contact with Prof. McCausland. He has read your New Light on Space and Time, but says he is not so much interested in a substitute for relativity as in demonstrating that it must be abandoned. Such an attitude is quite legitimate—still, I can’t think of any examples in the history of science where a theory was abandoned for being wrong before a replacement was found.
I’ll write on other matters separately
My best—and warmest regards to Dorothy,