Reciprocity Special Edition

Dewey B. Larson
755 N.E. Royal Court
Portland, Oregon 97232

Aug. 17, 1985

Frank H. Meyer
1103 15th Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Dear Frank:

In accordance with the decisions reached at the Board meeting in Portland I am submitting my suggestions as to the contents of the special edition of Reciprocity in which the article Gravitation and the Galaxies is to be published.

This issue should have an editorial introduction pointing out that recent changes in the astronomers’ interpretation of the recession of the distant galaxies now permit us to show this recession to be a scalar motion. This confirms the validity of one of the basic premises of the Reciprocal System of theory, and puts us in a position where we can demonstrate that a fundamental change in the accepted structure of physical theory is definitely necessary. Here, then, is the kind of a direct and positive argument that we need in order to present our case effectively. Once we show that some significant change has to be made, the door is open for a consideration of our findings, which indicate the nature of the necessary changes.

I suggested, in our discussion, that the article be followed by comments by different individuals, pointing out areas in which the verification of the existence of scalar motion makes a contribution to scientific knowledge. For the purposes of this issue of Reciprocity, the comments should be limited in length, so that they have the status of supplements to the article that is featured in this issue. I anyone wishes to elaborate his thoughts into a full-length article, you can no doubt find room for it in some future issue. The contributors should be encouraged to select their own topics, however, I am submitting the following suggestions for the benefit of anyone who may want to make use of them:

  1. The general acceptance of a definition of motion that excludes scalar motion explains why previous attempts to construct a theory of a universe of motion have failed. Without the phenomena that we have now identified as scalar motions, the scope of the “motion” concept is too limited.
  2. Recognition of scalar motion adds two more dimensions of motion to the one that can be represented in the reference system (the only one recognized by present-day science). This simplifies a number of physical problems.
  3. Einstein’s assumption, in his general theory of relativity, that mass distorts space, thus accounting for the shape of the gravitational force field, is now seen to be wrong. The radial force field is a direct result of the scalar gravitational motion.
  4. The finding that the electric charge is a motion gives us an explanation of a phenomenon that is without any explanation in conventional science. We are told that the charge has to be accepted as a given feature of the universe, not capable of explanation.
  5. The “expansion of the universe” that the astronomers talk about is essentially the same thing as the progression of the natural reference system that our theory requires. However, the astronomers assume that space is expanding, whereas we see an outward movement of the individual masses. The demonstration that gravitation is also a scalar motion shows that our version is correct, as the same general principle must apply in both cases, and a “contraction” explanation of gravitation would not be feasible.
  6. The existence of scalar motion emphasizes the limitations of spatial reference systems. Instead of being a framework in which all motion can be represented, as seen in present-day theory, these spatial reference systems can only represent one-dimensional motion at speeds less than one unit.
  7. All objects with mass are in motion from the scalar standpoint, even if they are stationary in the reference system. The gravitational force is the force aspect of this scalar motion.
  8. I mentioned the action-at-a-distance problem in the article, but it could stand some further comment, since it has been a bone of contention in physics for centuries.

As the foregoing items indicate, verification of the existence of scalar motion is the key to a greatly improved understanding of physical relations. The objective of our current promotional activity is to bring this point to the attention of the scientific community as forcibly as possible.

Dewey B. Larson

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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