In terms of the egs system, the unit of electron charge (and quantity) is calculated by multiplying the Faraday constant by the mass equivalent of unit atomic weight:

2.89366x1014 esu/g-equiv * 1.65979x10-24 g = 4.80287x10-10 esu

(ref. [1]). Of course, 4.80287x10-10 esu is equal to 1.602062x10-19 coulombs.

In space-time terms, the dimensions of electron charge (or electric charge in general) are t/s. The magnetic charge is a two-dimensional form of the electric charge; its space-time dimensions are t2 /s2 . The numeric value of the magnetic charge must therefore be the value of the electric charge divided by the the natural value of s/t, or the speed of light. In the egs system, this results in

4.80287x10-10 esu / 2.99793x1010 cm/sec = 1.602062x10-20 “esu”

(ref. [2]). The “esu” here are the magnetic units of the electrostatic system. According to ref. [3], 1 “esu” of magnetic flux (equivalent to charge in the Reciprocal System) equals 299.8 webers. Thus one unit of magnetic charge equals 4.802982x10-18 webers.

Each atom has two rotating systems; if one system acquires a magnetic charge, the other system must also acquire a charge if there is to be stability and permanence. Henee each atom has two poles, or centers of magnetie effect--it is dipolar, not monopolar.

Consider a simple “bar magnet” of four iron atoms. The poles would be arranged in this manner: N-S - N-S - N-S - N-S. Only the end atoms are not neutralized; therefore, in general only the surface atoms of a bar magnet contribute to its effective magnetic charge (one unit of charge per surface atom). This means that it would take 2.0820399x1017 magnetically charged surface atoms to generate one weber of magnetic flux. Since iron has a mean atomic weight of 55.847, the total mass of these surface atoms would come to 1.9301763x10-5 grams.


  1. Dewey B. Larson, Basic Properties of Matter (Salt Lake City, Utah: International Society of Unified Science, 1988), p. 110.
  2. Dewey B. Larson, The Structure of the Physical Universe (Portland, Oregon: North Pacific Publishers, 1959), p. 211 (except that the numerical value has been updated in ref.1).
  3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Physics (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ine., 1966), p. 33, Appendix G, of the supplement.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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