BPOM, UOM, Spitzer article on globular clusters

Jan Sammer   78 Hartley Avenue    Princeton    NJ 08540


December 6, 1983

Dear Dewey:

How thoughtful of you to send me that check for expenses; it will be useful, but I think you may have overestimated my outlays. I still manage to get computer time for practically nothing, and this includes the cost of paper. The major expense therefore is for postage. So I think the money you sent will last me a while, and I will give you a complete accounting.

By separate mail I am sending two copies of the corrected version of the first two chapters of Basic Properties of Matter. Please discard the uncorrected copy I sent you earlier. I am sorry about all the mistakes. You may note that I also reduced the spaces between paragraphs and moved the columns in the tables to make them more even.

I work on The Universe of Motion every day; so far I have entered eleven chapters into the computer, but I want to finish the proofreading before I send them on to you. Please f eel free to change the text or add whatever needs to be added -- there are no technical obstacles to making revisions until the actual typesetting (I enclose a clipping about the method I intend to use).

Lyman Spitzer, who retired recently from his position as Director of the Princeton University Observatory, has told me that he is preparing a review article on globular clusters for Science. He promised to let me see a pre-publication copy and, if he approves, I will send one to you.

Regarding the announcement that you sent, I think the best way would be to put it out as an issue of ISUS NEWS. Please have NPP send me what addresses th ey have. I am in the course of updating the ISUS mailing list from some new names I received from Rainer, and I'd like to compile a more inclusive list for various free mailings. I'll let you have copies of both lists once they are complete.

Regarding Hoff's review in KRONOS, the editor would be happy to print an answer by you in the following issue (June ’84). Do you find the enclosed (based on your letter to me) appropriate? I think it's good to keep the debate going.

My best, and warmest regards to Dorothy,

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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