Response to Dr. Ronald W. Satz's Resignation from ISUS, Inc.

Former member Ronald Satz has some honest differences with some ISUS members, but the differences do not warrant his leaving ISUS with the claim that we who remain betray Dewey Larson's seeking after Truth.

When Ronald asked Mr. Larson Q9, "Isn't the seeking after Truth a very important human purpose too?", Dewey's answer was, "This is a pertinent question, and it illustrates the point that I am trying to make about my investigation in this area. Apparently you are raising the issue because you believe that the pursuit of knowledge ought to be one of our purposes. But this is a subjective conclusion. At the present stage of my investigation I see no way of deriving it from factual premises in the manner in which I am trying to make a start toward defining the non-physical aspects of existence. Acquisition of ethical knowledge is, of course, essential for progress toward our goal. We cannot do what is right consistently unless we know what is right. But, as matters now stand, I see no direct ethical significance in the acquisition of physical knowledge."

Yet, when Dr. Satz was elected ISUS, Inc. President, he instructed, "Therefore all articles not directly related to the Reciprocal System of physical theory will not be accepted for publication in RECIPROCITY or ISUS News. Articles on human nature, new transportation systems, metaphysics, etc. are inappropriate. There are many other organizations devoted to causes in these areas. We have a specific unique mission: the promotion and advancement of D.B. Larson's Reciprocal System of physical theory; there is enough work here for ISUS members to last hundreds of years."

If the finite physical universe is unmysterious, and we continue to be engaged with examining and developing D.B. Larson's revalued general Reciprocal System of physical theory, should we not expect to be able to complete this one non-ethical task in something less than centuries of time? This, then, would leave more time to learn the purpose for which the physical universe exists and how human life differs from biological life. (Beyond Space and Time, p. 279)

Meanwhile, in Beyond Space and Time, D.B. Larson reports, "Equitable treatment for all is undoubtedly part of the Sector 3 code. Our intuitive knowledge of elementary ethical principles assures us of this... Equitable treatment with respect to opportunity for ethical advancement, vital, and would seem to be an essential part of the overall program. A series of successive existences is the only adequate solution to this equity problem that has yet been suggested." (BST, p. 345).

Unlike Mr. Larson, Dr. Satz is indifferent to the issue of equity, since it is not an issue of physics, but of ethics. Mr. Larson teaches that the 'man' or 'woman', the proper parts of the whole of humankind, Larson does not mean the human animal, but the ethical person. He learned that the physical universe, including our bodies and minds, as well as the material and cosmic sectors 1 and 2, is finite. In every respect that we are physical, we are finite and unequal. Infinity is excluded from the physical Sectors 1 & 2, but not necessarily from Sector 3. It is abundantly clear to me that no person's inherent human worth should be exclusively identified with his or her market worth, a finite physical value, measurable by the money standard of finite commodity and capital values. My research leads me to conclude that the 1776 heritage of the United States of America declares unequivocally that men and women are not inherently finite and unequal in non-physical human worth.

Before Dewey Larson was born, the author of the original draft of the 1776 Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in general Congress assembled, previously having learned how to count infinite wholes, as distinguished from finite wholes, affirmed these truths to be evident to himself that all men and women are created infinite, independent and inherently equal in human worth and from that equal creation they derive rights, inherent and unalienable, among which are the Preservation of Life and Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

In arithmetical terms what this means, assuming the infinitude of the private person, is that each man and each woman is not worth more than the whole of humankind nor worth less, but rather is equal to the whole of humankind. In this way that "all men are created equal" evidently can be, since entities equal to the same entity are equal to each other.

The Declaration affirmation of human equality does not apply to our physical nature, including human performance, opportunity or longevity. It applies only to the non-physical inherent human worth and dignity of each person, only to the infinitude of each private man and woman. You cannot equalize anything about human beings except their incomes, when you pay money to each woman or man what he or she is inherently worth.

Each one of us sees according to his or her own light. Thus, what appears as inappropriate nonsense to one is appropriate arithmetic to his neighbor.

In the same way, because it is an infinite collection you can count all the counting numbers, all the odd and even counting numbers with only the even counting numbers, since Thomas Paine and Georg Cantor among others have learned that the two sets can be put into one to one correspondence.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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