Dr. Arnold Studtmann Has Been Found

Our ISUS, Inc. Associate Editor, Bruce M. Peret, is a most enterprising operator. As many of you know, we have been searching for our lost colleague and friend, Arnold Studtmann, for a number of years with no success. Bruce, who with his Amiga on-line computer, has been aiming to update and clarify our Membership and Subscriber lists, has an alert, intuitive intelligence of how, when and where to turn up sought for, hard-to-find information. Sunday evening, December 8, 1996, Bruce reported to me that while searching through a Portland, Oregon computer telephone directory, he came across an Arnold and Gwen Studtmann, 5230 SW Scholls Fry Road, Portland, OR 97225-1612; (503) 297-3421.

Arnold and I became acquainted during the 1970's, while we were both on the faculties of the University of Wisconsin System. Arnold, at the time, was both a Professor of Physics and a Christian Minister. For ISUS members, Arnold, to the best of my knowledge, has the distinction of being the very first person to win a Ph.D. for choosing to do, and doing, his dissertation on his inquiry about Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of Physics, and its astrophysical implications. He obtained his graduate degree from the National Graduate School in 1979. I thank Arnold for his pioneer work in reciprocal astrophysics; I have found the work a valuable asset to my learning more about the Reciprocal System.

Bruce's lead was too promising to ignore. I soon was on the phone and Ms. Gwen Studtmann, Arnold's wife, answered and identified our friend and associate, as her husband. My joy was short-lived, however, when Gwen reported that Arnold had died in 1992, four years earlier. While I believe Arnold died too young, I also think that, in the light of Dewey Larson's Beyond Space and Time, Arnold continues to thrive in the spirit of our Third, Non-Physical Sector of Human Existence.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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