The Social and Technological Implications of the Reciprocal System of Theory


Throughout history, many scientific theories and paradigms (in the physical science, most certainly), have ushered in whole new eras of technologies. Many of these technologies have had a profound impact both in improving our standard of living, and changing the global ecology. In some instances, the technology came first, and the theory which explained it came later. The Reciprocal System of theory represents a new scientific "paradigm" with many profound implications, both socially and technologically.


In recent times, quantum mechanics and Relativity theory ushered in the "Atomic" era, and subsequent development of "Nuclear" power for both generation of electricity, and advanced weaponry. When quantum theory and relativity were first published, the social and technological implications were scarcely a consideration.

The Social and Technological Implications

We are now faced with serious ecological concerns resulting from highly toxic nuclear waste. This is from nuclear reactors (used to produce energy for industry and the public, and for propulsion) and from stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Our present nuclear reactors, with their toxic by-products, are ultimately a result of an incomplete understanding of nature--in particular, of the atomic and subatomic processes essential to their construction.

As Larson has pointed out, the very term "nuclear" is based on an erroneous conception of atomic structure in the first place. The theories upon which our existing "nuclear" reactors are built are incomplete. The resulting mass to energy conversion process (fission) occurring within the reactor who's construction is based on these theories is comparably incomplete, resulting in toxic radio activity byproducts. The disasters at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island are two telling reminders of this.

The Reciprocal System of theory provides a proper theoretical foundation for the technical construction of efficient energy producing and propulsion devices.* It is a complete structure upon which a complete physical theory is being developed on an ongoing basis. With this at our disposal, a technology for producing clean, abundant energy is theoretically possible. The Reciprocal System of theory, as I have come to understand it, provides this essential foundation for a complete, holistic understanding of nature, and its underlying physical processes. It is from this understanding that new energy (and propulsion) technology* can be logically developed.

With a non-nuclear model of the atom, and a completely new definition of the fundamental forces (electrical, magnetic, and gravitational), as described in the Reciprocal System, an entirely new approach toward energy production is needed. The ultimate hope in the main stream thought for solving our energy needs is "fusion." (i.e. fusing hydrogen or deuterium nuclei, creating a chain reaction with a byproduct of H2O (water)). A number of methods have been, and are begin tested, include a massive laser device at the Lawrence Livermoore Lab, in Livermoore, California.

To my knowledge, none of these conventional methods has succeeded in producing appreciable amounts of controlled energy, as compared with the initial energy input into the system.

The Reciprocal System of theory predicts that fusion is not what is occurring (in stars, for example) as current theories indicate. It follows that a different process is occurring. What is this process, and what is the best way to harness it for generating consumer electricity? It stands to reason that there is a different technology needed to properly harness available energy, both safely and efficiently. This technology should be based on harnessing the rotationally distributed scalar motion in one, two, and three dimensions. These are the three basic motions which constitute electricity, magnetism, and gravitation, as described throughout the Reciprocal System.

As theoretical physicists, we have a broad responsibility to society to point the way to this new technology, in whatever form it ultimately manifests. It is not enough that we develop and refine the Reciprocal System of theory in all its fine points, essential as this is. We must usher the Reciprocal System into the technological arena as quickly as possible. There are pressing global ecological and humanitarian matters, whose solution requires technology (and the corresponding theoretical validation) which has previously eluded our full understanding.*

During World War II, many great scientists, along with entire industries and nations, were engaged directly or indirectly in the development of atomic energy technology, some of which was for peaceful applications, some of which was for awesome weapons of destruction; both of which were developed with incredible speed under urgent circumstances. The prevailing social paradigm which prompted these tireless efforts was in effect, "The preservation of freedom and defending ourselves from the enemy." This way of thinking was carried on throughout the ensuing years of the cold war. In many respects, this paradigm was the central organizing principle of our society. Both theoretical and applied physics were inextricably woven into the social fabric.

The cold war is over, and a new social paradigm is needed to reflect our changing conditions and priorities to accompany the new paradigm of the Reciprocal System. In light of the urgent state of our global ecology, Vice President Al Gore has introduced a new social paradigm, "...we must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle of civilization." With the same urgency under which the atom bomb and atomic energy were developed in a previous generation, we must develop and implement clean, abundant, renewable energy sources during our generation. What has to happen, for this technology to be implemented on a global scale? For one, the theoretical basis for this technology must be firmly established.

We live during an exciting, yet crucial, time in history. The preservation of our global ecology is critical, and barely within our grasp. We are equally poised to globally implement breakthrough technology, which can provide clean, abundant energy for all humanities energy, propulsion, and transportation requirements.* As scientists, we have the broad responsibility to act upon this new social paradigm with the same fervor and dedication, as our predecessors acted upon the prevailing paradigm of their generation.

This means that we can preserve our global environment by acting quickly. From a social view, this means, in the short term, our civilization must, in a coordinated and decisive manner, bring to bear all of our global resources, technological and otherwise; cast aside our differences, and act in concert to preserve the ecological balance vital for our long term survival. This will allow the phasing out of fossil fuels, for most applications, world wide.* This will result in a cleaner environment in which to live, including clean air and improved health for everyone, especially those living in polluted regions with heavy traffic and industry.

Contrary to popular belief, I do not think the onset of practical "cold fusion," or any other unlimited energy source, will mean "free" or cheap electricity for everyone, at least not initially. There will be a cost in the development and marketing of the technology, the distribution of the energy over the existing global energy distribution infrastructure, the development of a new infrastructure, and the maintenance of all the aforementioned. The cost will be well worth it, in any case.

All this aside, there are still a number of crucial refinements and developments of the Reciprocal System of theory (including, I suggest, developing the relationship of harmonics to rotationally distributed scalar motion), and the ongoing theoretical research at ISUS, is essential. At the same time, we must, as responsible scientists, incorporate a broader purpose to our efforts beyond the quest of knowledge, per se, and with the utmost diligence, translate this knowledge into practical technology as soon as possible; and where this technology exists, we must validate it by associating the proper theoretical explanation where little* or none has existed, previously.

Critical research and development in the field of non-conventional energy technology has been ongoing since the time of Tesla, and others, and continues to this day. Many non-conventional "over unity"* energy devices are denied patents because they lack a comprehensive, theoretical explanation. Those which have been granted patents are still in need of a broad, theoretical premise describing their function. This hinders their broader acceptance, in general. So far as I can determine, the Reciprocal System of theory provides a comprehensive theoretical foundation to describe the operational principles for this general category of technology.*

In future articles, possible technologies for energy production, based on the Reciprocal System of theory, will be examined in detail. Also, existing "over unity" energy technologies, which can be explained in terms of the Reciprocal System, will be brought to light.


The Reciprocal System of theory is comprehensive in its scope within the physical sciences. We must implement a comprehensive approach to usher the Reciprocal System into the technological arena as quickly as possible to meet the broader needs of society.


  1. Childress, David Hatcher, The Free Energy Handbook, A Compilation of Patents and Reports, (Adventures Unlimited Press, Stelle, IL, 1995).
  2. Fuller, R. Buckminster, Operating Manual for Space Ship Earth, (E.P. Dutton, New York, NY, 1978).
  3. Fuller, R. Buckminster, Synergetics 2, Explorations In The Geometry of Thinking, (Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1979).
  4. Gore, Al (Vice President of the USA), Earth In The Balance; Ecology and the Human Spirit, (The Penguin Group, New York, NY, 1993).
  5. Hagelin, John S., Achieving World Peace Through New Science and Technology, (Marharishi International University, Fairfield, IA, 1992).
  6. Isaacs, Alan, A Dictionary of Physics, (Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 1996).
  7. Kramer, Russell, The Interaction of Electromagnetism and Gravitation Along Equipotential Lines, (Unpublished).
  8. Larson, Dewey B., The Case Against the Nuclear Atom, (North Pacific Publishers, Portland, OR, 1963).
  9. Larson, Dewey B., Basic Properties of Matter, (ISUS, Salt Lake City, UT, 1988).
  10. Nieper, Hans A., Dr. Nieper's Revolution in Technology Medicine and Society, (MIT Management Interessengemeinschaft, Federal Republic of Germany, 1983).
  11. White, Harvey E., Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics, (D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Procton, NJ, 1964).

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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