- Rainer Huck, President, Treasurer
- Bruce Peret, Secretary
- Gopi Krishna Vijaya
- Phil Porter
- John Robinson
3:00 pm, Rainer Huck called the meeting to order.
Discussion on Bylaw revisions; mostly minor wording changes and the change from a required number of trustees for voting to a percentage of trustees. Discussed option to limit the assignment of offices to one person only; decided there were not enough trustees to make it work. No further action.
Motion by Phil Porter to retroactively grant membership to John Robinson for the last three years, due to all the work he has done on the behalf of RSRS. Second by Bruce Peret. Vote called, passed unanimously.
Motion by Phil Porter to alter Section 5.12 so that Trustees can be added by a 60% vote of the current Board. Second by Gopi Vijaya. Vote called, passed unanimously.
Motion by Phil Porter to remove David Halprin as Trustee (term expired) and make an honorary Trustee, and replace with John Robinson. Friendly amendment by Gopi Vijaya to make KVK Nehru an honorary Trustee. Second by Gopi Vijaya. Vote called; passed unanimously.
Motion by Bruce Peret to remove Section 5.7 and change 5.4 to "until replaced" with regards to election of Trustees. Second by John Robinson. Vote called; passed unanimously.
Election of Officers
- Rainer Huck, President
- Phil Porter, Vice President
- Bruce Peret, Secretary/Treasurer
Vote called; passed unanimously.
Motion by Gopi Vijaya to pay Maxeem (graphic artist) the sum of $200 for the book covers of the republished Larson books. Second by Phil Porter. Vote called; passed unanimously.
Motion by Phil Porter to get GPA audit of finances to make us eligible for charitable donations and grants. Second by Gopi Vijaya. Vote called; passed unanimously.
04:20pm, meeting adjourned by President Rainer Huck.