2020-06-09 32nd Emergency Business Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

2020-06-09 32nd Emergency Business Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA


  • Phil Porter (via Zoom)
  • Rainer Huck (via Zoom)
  • Robin Sims (via Zoom)
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya
  • John Robinson

Zoom Meeting ID: 865 4862 8862

Meeting scheduled for June 9th 12 noon, due to technical issues it commenced at 12:20 pm. John Robinson and Gopi Krishna Vijaya were present in person as required in the ISUS/RSRS Bylaws for a meeting where board decisions are made (Section 5.9). All waive requirement for notice for this emergency meeting (Section 5.7).

Agenda items were presented by President Rainer Huck as follows:

Item 1:    Censure of Gopi for violating executive order items 2 and 3 delivered by email  May 26, 2020 as follows:

1.  You may not remove anything connected with ISUS, including everything in the basement, everything in the office, and all books and book cases.

2.  You must return the laptop computer Bruce was using together with all passwords to the computers, websites, forums and any other intellectual property owned by ISUS.

Item 2:      Order Gopi to return these items to the ISUS headquarters at 1688 E. Atkin Ave., Salt Lake City Utah.

Item 3:       Order Gopi to restore Doug Bundy’s access to the RS forums.

Item 4:      Appoint Doug Bundy as Executive Director and Research Fellow of ISUS.

Item 5:      Remove or Sustain Rainer Huck as President of ISUS.

Item 6:      Elect new officers

Any further issues, actions, and motions proposed by board members will be heard and considered and voted upon as appropriate.


Meeting called into order by President Rainer Huck. All acknowledge the passing of the previous Secretary/Treasurer Bruce Peret, and his contributions.

  1. Rainer Huck’s Executive orders

Rainer Huck proposed a motion to order Gopi as per Item 1. Phil Porter proposed an amendment to the motion to support instead of censure Gopi in his opposition of Huck’s seeming “executive orders” regarding ISUS property present in Bruce’s former residence. Executive orders are not allowed on the basis of Section 6.4 of the Bylaws. Motion, as amended, seconded by John Robinson.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Aye
  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Nay
  • Rainer Huck: Nay

3 'aye', 2 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Motion passed. Rainer Huck’s “executive orders” deemed invalid and contrary to Bylaws.

  1. Bruce’s property (computers and books)

Rainer Huck orders Gopi Vijaya to return Bruce’s computers and books to him. Phil Porter states that personal property cannot be handed over. ISUS material to be transferred to a place that is designated by the board. Rainer makes a motion to support the return of the books and computers, and is seconded by Robin Sims.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Nay
  • John Robinson: Nay
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Nay
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Aye

2 'aye', 3 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Motion failed. Bruce’s personal property will not be transferred to Rainer Huck. All ISUS material to be left where they are until the board decides what is to be done with them.

  1. Doug Bundy: Access to RS fora

Rainer Huck orders that Doug Bundy be added to the RS forums. Doug Bundy (Larson Research Center) has been found to be in conflict of interest with the ISUS as per Bylaws 5.9.4, and as recorded in Bylaws 9.5. John Robinson states that Doug Bundy has historically worked against the interests of the progress of the Reciprocal System, particularly RS2, and has damaged the organization ISUS fiscally as well. Phil Porter agrees, and is not in favor of Doug Bundy taking part in the ISUS in any capacity. Gopi Vijaya reiterates that the conflict of interest exists. Rainer Huck proposes the motion that Doug Bundy be added nevertheless. Robin Sims seconds the motion.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Nay
  • John Robinson: Nay
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Nay
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Aye

2 'aye', 3 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Motion fails. Doug Bundy is not to be allowed to take part on the RS forums.

  1. Doug Bundy: Appointment as Executive Director and Research Fellow

Rainer Huck proposes to add Doug Bundy as Executive Director and Research Fellow of ISUS. Gopi Krishna Vijaya, John Robinson and Phil Porter reiterate section 5.9.4 of the Bylaws, and Doug’s activity being contrary to the interests of ISUS. Rainer Huck proposes a motion to confirm this appointment. Robin Sims seconds the motion.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Nay
  • John Robinson: Nay
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Nay
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Aye

2 'aye', 3 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Motion fails. Doug Bundy is not to be given any appointments in the ISUS.

  1. Rainer Huck’s Presidency

Rainer Huck presents the matter of his continuation as President of ISUS. Phil Porter points out that the agenda as it stands cannot be made into a motion, one has to choose “sustain” or “remove” for the motion. Rainer Huck states that the item be amended to read: Remove Rainer Huck as President of ISUS. John Robinson states that Rainer Huck’s recent decisions, particularly opposition to Gopi Krishna Vijaya’s research contributions, are unbefitting of a President’s role. Phil Porter states that he is not in opposition to Rainer Huck continuing as the President. Robin Sims concurs. Gopi Krishna Vijaya states that Rainer Huck is not being able to manage the role, and a different role might be a better fit. Rainer Huck proposes motion to remove him as President. John Robinson seconds it.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Nay
  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Nay
  • Rainer Huck: Aye

Robin Sims interjects that since this would be an effective resignation, Rainer Huck could hold on since election of new officers is the next item on the agenda, and Rainer Huck could resign at the time if he so wished. Rainer Huck insists on his vote being Aye.

3 'aye', 2 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Motion passes. Rainer Huck is no longer President of ISUS. By default, Phil Porter is made President.

  1. Election of New Officers

To complete the vote, Phil Porter nominated for President by Gopi Krishna Vijaya. Vote called.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Aye
  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Aye

5 'aye', 0 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Phil Porter is elected as President of ISUS.

Gopi Krishna Vijaya nominated for Vice-President by John. Vote called.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Aye
  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye

5 'aye', 0 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Gopi Krishna Vijaya elected as Vice-President of ISUS.

John nominated by Gopi Krishna Vijaya as Secretary/Treasurer.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Aye
  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Aye

5 'aye', 0 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

John Robinson is elected as the Secretary/Treasurer of ISUS.

Need to designate temporary Webmaster discussed. Phil Porter nominated as Webmaster by Gopi Krishna Vijaya.

Vote called:

  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Aye
  • Phil Porter: Aye
  • Rainer Huck: Abstained.

4 'aye', 0 'nay', 1 'abstained'.

Phil Porter is temporary Webmaster, until a suitable replacement is found.

Rainer Huck resigns as a Trustee. John Robinson proposes a motion to make Rainer Huck an honorary trustee, without voting power, but still a part of the organization, in light of Rainer Huck’s contributions over the years. The same had been done for KVK Nehru following his resignation and David Halprin whose membership had expired, in the 31st Annual Meeting. Gopi Krishna Vijaya seconds it.

Vote called:

  • Phil Porter: Aye
  • John Robinson: Aye
  • Gopi Krishna Vijaya: Aye
  • Robin Sims: Aye

4 'aye', 0 'nay', 0 'abstained'.

Rainer Huck is made Honorary Trustee instead of Regular Trustee.

  1. ISUS materials

Phil Porter designates Gopi Krishna Vijaya to transfer ISUS materials to storage. Phil Porter to collaborate with Gopi Krishna Vijaya regarding suitable people to handle the online presence.

Meeting ended by President Phil Porter.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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