2001-10-27 23rd Annual Meeting of Members, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

23rd Annual ISUS Membership meeting

October 27, 2001 1:30 pm
ISUS Corporate headquarters, 1680 Atkins St., Salt Lake City, Utah

Annual Meeting

Present: Rainer Huck, Doug Bundy, Robin Sims and Maurice Gilroy.


  1. Reading of the old minutes

  2. Business arising from old minutes

  3. New Business


Huck opening the meeting and announced there were two reasons to hold the meeting.

  1. new board members need to be elected, and
  2. several other items that need consideration.

Huck read to proxy votes received by snailmail.

  1. Huck has a proxy from Hoyt Stearns and from David Halprin.
  2. Bundy has a proxy from Ed Navarro and from J Sammer.


Porter submitted a report stating trustees available for appointment are

  • Blackburn, 2002
  • Halprin, 2004
  • Bundy, 2002
  • Hamner, 2004
  • Huck, 2004
  • Mitchell, 2004
  • Navarro,2004
  • Nehru, 2003
  • Peret,2002
  • Porter,2003
  • Samner, 2003
  • Sims, 2003
  • Stearns,2004
  • Wells,2003
  • Plus one unfilled 2002

Bundy said this meeting was called to enable members to legally appoint new trustees.

Huck seconded by Bundy moved that Gilroy be elected to the unfilled term. Carried unanimously.

Gilroy, seconded by Huck, nominated Hamner, Bundy and Wells to the board. Carried unanimously.

Huck, seconded by Gilroy, moved that the remaining trustees on the list be re-elected, , carried unanimously.

Thus the Board of Trustees, as elected is:

  • Ronald Blackburn, term to expire in 2002
  • Doug Bundy, term to expire in 2004
  • Maurice Gilroy, term to expire in 2002
  • David Halprin, term to expire in 2002
  • George Hamner, term to expire in 2004
  • Rainer Huck, term to expire in 2004
  • William Mitchell, term to expire in 2004
  • Edwin Navarro, term to expire in 2002
  • KVK Nehru, term to expire in 2003
  • Bruce Peret, term to expire in 2002
  • Phillip Porter, term to expire in 2003
  • Jan Sammer, term to expire in 2003
  • Robin Sims, term to expire in 2003
  • Hoyt Stearns, Jr., term to expire in 2004
  • Mike Wells, term to expire in 2003

Discussion followed re the purpose and objectives of the two publications, Reciprocity and ISUS News

Phil Porter now present at 2.00pm

Huck moved the membership meeting closed, seconded by Bundy, carried unanimously.

Business Meeting

Huck called the trustees meeting to order at 2.09pm.

Present. Porter, Huck, Sims, Gilroy, and Bundy, plus Proxy from Stearns to Huck, Proxy from Sammer to Bundy, Proxy from Navarro to Bundy, and Proxy from Halprin to Huck.

Porter moved to accept the old minutes as posted on www.reciprocalsystem.org 1997, seconded by Bundy, carried unanimously.

Election of officers.

  • Porter, seconded by Gilroy, nominated Bundy as president, carried unanimously.
  • Porter, seconded by Huck, nominated Navarro as vice president, carried unanimously.

Navarro communicated via Paltalk.

Discussion followed about how to enable email voting.

  • Bundy, seconded by Porter, nominated Sims as secretary, carried unanimously.
  • Gilroy, seconded by Sims, nominated Huck as treasurer, carried unanimously.

Bundy assumed control of the meeting.

Bundy announced that there would be a meeting this evening to announce via Paltalk the issues and latest developments of ISUS.

Discussion followed regarding the positions of executive director and chairman of the board.

Gilroy, seconded by Huck, nominated Porter, to be chairman of the board. Carried unanimously.

Porter assumed control of the meeting and adjourned the meeting for 5 minutes.

Porter called the meeting to order at 2.30 pm and distributed a working draft called Base2 of amended bylaws including complete list of Larson’s books, to be considered for adoption.

This is BASE2, a working Draft. Some past amendments may not be shown because meeting minutes are not available.

Changes herein are limited to a consistent numbering protocol for all paragraphs as "SECTION" and identified typos were corrected. The content is intended to be like the current Bylaws. SECTION 2.1 is completed by adding all Mr. Larson's physical theory books for this version.

We may want to delete the word "SECTION", except on the section heading lines.

BYLAWS of the International Society of Unified Science, Inc.

Approved and Adopted by First Annual Conference Owre Hall, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis August 20, 1976.

Revised at Sixth Annual Conference, North American Rockwell Plant, Downey, California, Aug. 16, 1981.

Revised at Seventeenth Annual Conference, University Of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 6, 1992

Revised at Twenty Third Annual Conference, ISUS Corporate Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 27, 2001


SECTION 1.1. The name of this membership corporation shall be

International Society of Unified Science, hereinafter referred to as ISUS.


SECTION 2.1. The objective of this organization shall be to advance in all ways deemed feasible the Reciprocal System of physical theory as proposed by Dewey B. Larson and as presently set forth in the books named below, and in other published works, and as may be set forth in future articles and books.

2.1.1. The Structure of the Physical Universe (1959), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.2. The Case Against the Nuclear Atom (1963), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.3. Beyond Newton (1964), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.4. New Light on Space and Time (1965), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.5. Quasars and Pulsars (1971), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.6. Nothing but Motion (1979) North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.7. The Neglected Facts of Science (1982), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.8. Universe of Motion (1984), North Pacific Publishers, Portland ,Oregon

2.1.9. Basic Properties of Matter (1988), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

2.1.10. Beyond Space and Time (1995), North Pacific Publishers, Portland, Oregon

SECTION 2.2. A corollary purpose of this organization shall be to publish and to distribute RECIPROCITY as the official publication of ISUS, to discontinue the publication if so voted

by the Board of Trustees, and to publish and distribute other publications as approved by official vote of the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 2.3. A corollary purpose of this organization shall be to reexamine and revalue existing and generally accepted theories of physics, chemistry and biology and the Reciprocal

System of physical theory in the light of sound experimental data, it being assumed that when any theory is in disagreement with valid experimental data the theory is wrong.


SECTION 3.l. Membership in this organization shall be open to any individual who is interested in promoting the establishment of sound consistent theories of the physical universe.

SECTION 3.2. Membership in this organization shall be accepted without discrimination on account of sex, race, color, creed or national origin.

SECTION 3.3. Membership grades shall consist of two types: MEMBER and Student Member.

SECTION 3.3.1. MEMBER Grade. Any person who subscribes to the objectives of this organization and who does not fall into the Student Member classification may become a MEMBER by applying for membership and paying the annual dues as set by the Board of

Trustees. Membership is automatically terminated by the failure to continue dues payment.

SECTION 3.3.2. Student Member. Any person who is enrolled full-time or part-time in a post high school educational curriculum and who subscribes to the objectives of this organization may become a Student Member by applying for membership and paying the dues as set by the Board of Trustees.

Student Members will be automatically transferred to MEMBER status upon completion of their educational curriculum. At the end of the Student Member dues period, the student who has been transferred to MEMBER status may continue in that classification by the payment of MEMBER dues. Failure to continue dues payments in any category of membership automatically terminates that membership.

SECTION 3.4. Any MEMBER of this organization may terminate membership by submitting a termination request in writing to the secretary. MEMBERS who terminate before the end of the dues period forfeit their right to continue to receive any of the publications of this organization and may not request a pro rata refund of their dues.

SECTION 3.5. All members of this organization have the responsibility of promoting, to the best of their abilities, the general welfare of this organization by:

SECTION 3.5.1. Encouraging the achievement of the stated objectives.

SECTION 3.5.2. Encouraging membership in the organization.

SECTION 3.5.3. Supporting the publications of the organization by submitting contributions in the form of articles, news items, reviews and criticisms.

SECTION 3.6. The official membership year for this organization shall be that set by vote of the Board of Trustees.


SECTION 4.1. An annual meeting of ISUS for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of any other business authorized to be transacted by the members shall be held at such time and place as specified by the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 4.2. Advance notice of all meetings of members shall be given the members by the Secretary, or in his absence, by another officer. All such notices shall be sent by mail, at least twenty (20) days in advance of the date set for the meeting, to the last known post office address of each member of record at the time the notice is sent.

SECTION 4.3. At any meeting of ISUS, those members present in person shall have authority to transact all business which may come before the meeting, and there shall be no voting by proxy

or cumulative voting. Decisions shall be by majority vote of those members in good standing present and voting.


SECTION 5.1. The concerns, direction and management of the affairs of ISUS shall be vested in the Board of Trustees, who shall pursue such policies and principles as shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, and the statutes of the State of Utah.

SECTION 5.2. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of not more than fifteen (15) members, but no act of ISUS shall be void because, at any time, there be fewer than 15 Trustees in office.

No person shall be eligible for election as a Trustee who is not a member in good standing at the time of his election.

SECTION 5.3. The Board of Trustees shall be divided into three classes. At each Annual Meeting of ISUS one-third (1/3) of the membership of the Board of Trustees shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. Each director shall hold office for three years and until his successor shall be chosen. Directors shall be eligible for re-election.

SECTION 5.4. In the event any Trustee shall by death, resignation, incapacity to act or otherwise, cease to be a Trustee during his or her term, his or her successor may be chosen by the Board and shall hold office during the remainder of the unexpired term of his or her predecessor. In no case may a person be appointed to serve as a Trustee who is ineligible for election as a Trustee.

SECTION 5.5. In order to maintain numerical balance between the three classes of the Board, a nominee for a hitherto unfilled vacancy on the Board may, however, be elected for a term shorter than three (3) years, and such a term shall then run concurrently with a class of one-third of the Board whose other members were elected in a previous year.

SECTION 5.6. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the President, or by the Secretary when requested to do so in writing by any five (5) Trustees of ISUS.

SECTION 5.7. No notice shall be required for any meeting date set when all Trustees are present, provided every Trustee shall waive the notice otherwise required. The business of the Board of Trustees may be transacted by written ballot, as specified in SECTION 5.8.

SECTION 5.8. Business of the Board of Trustees may be transacted in meetings or by written ballot.

SECTION 5.8.1. Votes at meetings - A majority of the members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum. However, for the purposes only of aiding the Board in achieving a quorum, a Trustee who is unable to attend a meeting may give his written proxy to any other Trustee. The Trustee holding the written proxy of the absent Trustee may also cast a vote in behalf of the absent Trustee, provided that such proxy voting shall not be permitted on matters other than agenda items furnished to all Trustees by mail in advance of the meeting. In no event shall the number of Trustees physically present at a Board meeting where a quorum is partially achieved by means of written proxies be less than five (5).

SECTION 5.8.2. Votes by written ballot - Business may be decided by the Board of Trustees by using signed, written ballots collected by the Secretary. Such written ballots shall be retained for inspection by any Board member for at least one year after the outcome has been decided and communicated to the Board by mail. Issues decided by written ballots must have vote able options of 'Abstain', and 'None of the above'. All Board members who do not return ballots shall be counted as Abstain. The Board shall establish the procedures for balloting by mail.

SECTION 5.9. Elections of Board Members:

SECTION 5.9.1. The Board shall notify the Secretary of ISUS of its nominations, who shall post the nominations at the headquarters of ISUS and shall make the list of nominations available to any member in good standing upon request. Also any member in good standing and attending the Annual Meeting may nominate one or more candidates for membership on the Board.

SECTION 5.9.2. The nominations of the Board and any nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting will be voted on by the members attending the Annual Meeting.

SECTION 5.9.3. Nominations for positions on the Board of Trustees may also be made from the floor during the Meeting where trustees are to be elected.


SECTION 6.1. At each annual organization meeting of the Board of Trustees, the Board shall elect from its own membership, a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The board may also elect such other officers as the business of ISUS may require.

SECTION 6.2. All officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees, but in no case beyond the time their respective successors shall be elected and shall qualify. Any officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees at any time.

SECTION 6.3. Whenever any vacancy shall occur in any office of ISUS by death, resignation or other, the vacancy may be filled by the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 6.4. The duties of the President shall be those which normally pertain to the office of President and shall include but not be limited to the following:

SECTION 6.4.1. to preside at the Annual Meeting and at all called meetings of the members

SECTION 6.4.2. to serve at a voting MEMBER on the Board of Trustees

SECTION 6.4.3. to serve as the official representative of the organization as occasions demand

SECTION 6.4.4. to work for the preservation, improvement and growth of the organization

SECTION 6.4.5. to recommend to the Board of Trustees the appointment of an Acting Vice President, an Acting Secretary or an Acting Treasurer in the event that the officially elected officer resigns or dies.

SECTION 6.4.6. to serve as ex officio of all committees.

SECTION 6.5. The duties of the Vice President shall be those which normally pertain to this office and shall include but not be limited to the following duties:

SECTION 6.5.1. to perform all the duties of the President when requested to do so by the President.

SECTION 6.5.2. to perform all the duties of the President at the request of the Executive Council after the President has been declared incapacitated or unable to act on his own behalf.

SECTION 6.5.3. to serve as a voting member of the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 6.6. The duties of the Secretary shall be those which normally pertain to this office and shall include but not be limited to the following duties:

SECTION 6.6.1. to record and faithfully preserve the minutes of the Annual Meeting, all called meetings and the meetings of the Executive Council, and to report all minutes as requested to do so by the President.

SECTION 6.6.2. to conduct the normal business and membership correspondence necessary for the preservation, improvement and growth of the organization.

SECTION 6.6.3. to conduct special correspondence as requested by the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 6.6.4. to maintain an accurate list of the members of the organization by membership classification.

SECTION 6.6.5. to serve as a voting member on the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 6.7. The duties of the Treasurer shall be those which normally pertain to this office and shall include but not be limited to the following duties:

SECTION 6.7.1. to collect and to retain in accord with good business procedures all funds of this organization and to disburse funds in accord with regulations established by the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 6.7.2. to keep an accurate account. of all funds and to submit financial reports at the Annual Meeting and at all other meetings as requested by the President.

SECTION 6.7.3. to provide the Board of Trustees with quarterly and yearly financial statements and with special statements as requested by the President.

SECTION 6.7.4. to serve as a voting member on the Board of Trustees.


SECTION 7.1. RECIPROCITY shall be the official publication of the International Society of Unified Science, Incorporated, until such time as the Board of Trustees votes to cease its

publication. In this event another publication may be selected by the Board as the official publication.

SECTION 7.2. The International Society of Unified Science, Incorporated, shall issue no newsletter or other publications without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

SECTION 7.3. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to appoint an editor for RECIPROCITY and for any other publication issued by ISUS; all editors shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.


SECTION 8.1. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Trustees.

Section 5.8.2 was presented for discussion.

This Bylaws revision proposal is based upon comments at a committee meeting held Thursday in Salt Lake City attended in person by Rainer Huck, Phillip Porter, Doug Bundy, Maurice Gilroy and attended via Paltalk connection by Ed Navarro.

As a method to allow more flexible email and Paltalk balloting, (rather than adding a new SECTION 5.8.3., as proposed last Sunday) it is now proposed that we now amend Sections 5.8. & 5.8.2.

Replace the current SECTION 5.8 with:

SECTION 5.8. Business of the Board of Trustees may be transacted in meetings or by balloting outside physical meetings.

Replace the current SECTION 5.8.2 with:

SECTION 5.8.2. Votes outside physical meetings – Balloting outside physical meetings can be conducted by the Secretary, or other person designated by the board, provided the votes are tabulated according to these procedures. No Proxy activity or secret balloting is allowed. Ballots by mail or fax shall be signed. Ballots may be submitted by mail, fax, email or other means approved by the Board. Trustees not casting ballots shall be counted as No votes. Voice votes may be taken by telephone or internet conference calls as long as at least five Trustees are included, all participants can hear votes being cast, Trustees not included in the conference are counted as No votes unless they later submit valid Yes votes and the Secretary records individual votes cast. In balloting outside meetings, a majority of all current Board members must be counted voting Yes for the issue to pass. The Secretary shall record individual Trustee votes and the manner in which they were cast. All ballots shall be retained until the vote record is approved. The voting record shall be appended to the minutes of the previous annual meeting and made a part of those records with approval at the next regular meeting.

Bundy requested rewording regarding abstentions.

After discussion of amending that and other Bylaws sections, it was agreed that the present proposals were adequate for now. Future changes could be done after due study and consideration by ISUS-Business votes. Chairman Porter and President Bundy agreed to form a Bylaws Committee with Vice President Navarro and all other interested Trustees to look into all areas of the Bylaws that might need revision. Discussions are expected to begin in six months or so.

Bundy moved , seconded by Gilroy, that the Base2 version of the Bylaws be adopted; carried unanimously.

Gilroy moved, seconded by Huck, that old sections 5.8 & 5.8.2. be replaced with the new proposals; carried unanimously.

Huck moved, seconded by Bundy that Satz’s lifetime membership be re-instated. carried unanimously.

Gilroy moved, seconded by Sims, that www.rsri.org web site name discussion be tabled until later. carried unanimously.

Gilroy moved, seconded by Bundy, a four part motion re funding a research grant to Nehru to purchase an internet computer.

It was moved that:

  • Part 1 - That ISUS give a monetary grant to Dr. KVK Nehru in appreciation of his initial work toward a full reinterpretation of Legacy Particle Physics in terms of the RS paradigm, and to facilitate his further efforts in this area.
  • Part 2 - That D. Maurice Gilroy be directed to solicit a special contribution from ISUS members to ISUS (tax deductible) to fund the grant.
  • Part 3 - That the treasurer of ISUS be directed to explorer and arrange the transfer of contributions collected directly to a bank in Hyderabad, India.
  • Part 4 - That the secretary of ISUS be directed to prepare a suitable letter of appreciation that explains the reasons and purpose of the ISUS grant and transmit it to Dr. Nehru.

The purpose given is to provide Dr. Nehru with a suitable computer, with internet access, in his home so he will not be limited to the 2 hrs per day computer time available from JNTU (Jawahararial Nehru Technical University) from which he retired recently.

The reason given is that the present time Dr. Nehru is working alone under very difficult circumstances, and probably needs all the encouragement (morale support) that we can provide.

Discussion followed. Huck said we should try to get contributions from members on Paltalk tonight. Porter agreed that sending money for purchase in India would be the best plan.

The motion carried unanimously.

Porter called for any further business, hearing none, recessed meeting until this evening.

Porter reconvened the meeting at 7.30pm and set up the Paltalk connection on the Internet.

There were 6 members present locally and 7 members attending via Paltalk, including one in Hungary and one in Australia.

Huck spoke an introduction over Paltalk,

Sims read the minutes of the meeting so far,

Bundy delivered a paper on the present position of Reciprocal System of Theory and ISUS and the problems to be faced in the future.

Following the paper Bundy asked for a response from the Paltalk audience.

Jerry Klein spoke to the paper first read RS in 92 . Believes that matter and consciousness are inseparable. ISUS must pursue concepts rather than mathematics.

Ed Navarro spoke next, addressing the direction and focus to proceed. He mentioned starting up Reciprocity again and agreed the big plan was a great idea.

Gilroy then spoke about funding a research grant to Nehru. The object of the grant is to purchase an internet computer for Nehru’s personal use to further the objectives of ISUS.

Huck, Sims, Bundy, Porter, Pratt, Gilroy each volunteered to contribute $100 to the fund. (#6)

From the net, George Hamner, Mike Wells, Ed Navarro each contributed $100. (#9) Ron Satz #10

Jerry Klein offered to pay the current dues plus a small contribution.

Horace spoke that he would like more help in understanding the technical fundamentals.

J Klein spoke again to interpretation of the speed of light experiments.

John Pratt offered comments about the relationships of Quasars, galaxies, and red-shift.

D Halprin said hello, via Paltalk

Ron Satz called via Paltalk, said hi, and pledged $100 to the grant. (#10)

Huck stated the treasury Balance as of 10/27/01 is $5600.

Porter adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pm.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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