2003-10-18 25th Annual Meeting of Members, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

25th Annual Membership Meeting
Salt Lake City, Utah

October 18, 2003

Trustee Nominations

Bruce: I nominate: KVK Nehru, Phillip Porter, Robin Sims, Mike Wells and Dan McCann and move that nominations be closed and a unanimous allot be cast for these five members.

6:20 Robin Sims, Vice President, calls meeting to order. Doug is not present; ran home to get speech. Present: Rainer Huck, Treasurer, Phillip Porter, Chairman of the Board, Bruce Peret, Secretary and Robin Sims, Vice President.

  1. Tribute and Moment of Silence Regarding Passing of Dorothy Larson by Rainer Huck.
  2. Report on the Board of Trustees Meeting by Phillip Porter.
  3. Review of Trustee elections by Phillip Porter.

Trustees completing their terms this year are:

  • KVK Nehru
  • Phillip Porter
  • Robin Sims
  • Mike Wells
  • Jan Sammer

Robin calls for nominations:

Bruce: I nominate: KVK Nehru, Phillip Porter, Robin Sims, Mike Wells and Dan McCann and move that nominations be closed and a unanimous allot be cast for these five members.

Rainer: Seconds.

Robin: No discussion.

Motion passed unanimously.

6:36 Taking recess until Doug returns.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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