2004-12-04 26th Annual Meeting of Members, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

26th Annual Meeting

From: Ronald Satz
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:16 pm
Post subject: Last Business Meeting (2004)

I asked the ISUS president for the minutes of the last business meeting; he said there were none. This is, of course, a violation of parliamentary law; I recently took the entrance test to join the National Association of Parliamentarians, so I have some knowledge of parliamentary law. The minimum number of officers to be present at an ISUS business meeting are president and secretary. If the secretary of ISUS was not available, then a temporary secretary should have been nominated and elected for the meeting. Without a secretary, the business meeting has no legal standing and thus is null and void. Any business transacted can be ratified or voted down at the next regular business meeting--provided a quorum is present and the president and secretary are present.

From: Douglas Bundy (President)
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:33 pm

This is correct. In effect, there was no business meeting held and no business was conducted. Thus, no minutes are necessary. Let me explain.

The meeting was delayed because of technical difficulties, so Rainer took the two guests out to eat dinner, while I grappled with the computer. Finally, about 6:45, the computer was working and I began informally chatting with several who joined us online. Sometime after 7:00pm, Rainer returned with the two guests, Moray King and Roy Curtin, and after some discussion with Rainer, trying to persuade him to present his talk, I finally relented and began my presentation. Together with the related discussion, this presentation lasted until well after 10:00.

At that time we ended the online portion of the discussion, and everyone went home about an hour or so after that, sometime after 11:00 pm. Hence, no business meeting of the membership was ever convened. No business was conducted, and no minutes were taken.

This was largely just an oversight due to the stress of trying to deal with computer problems, entertain guests, and carry on an online conversation including the discussion related to technical difficulties other people were having. When Rainer and the others entered the cramped room where we were trying to make things work, I asked him to begin the meeting by giving his presentation, when instead I should have officially convened the meeting, conducted business and then proceeded with the presentations, but I forgot the proper order of things and when I was put on the spot to proceed with my presentation, which I really wasn't ready to do, thinking Rainer was going first, I was totally distracted. In fact, I didn't realize that we forgot the business portion of the meeting until I was on the road headed home that night after the meeting.

So that's the record of what happened.

From: Phillip Porter
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:16 am
Post subject: Passed-Motion #1-2004

Nine affirmative votes were cast for Motion #1-2004 by Trustees Halprin, Hamner, McCann, Mitchell, Porter, Satz, Sims, Stearns and Wells. No opposing votes were noted. The motion carries.

The ISUS Annual Membership Meeting is set for 6:00 pm MST, Saturday, December 4, 2004, at the ISUS Corporate Offices, 1680 East Atkin Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah 84106.

Note: An Annual Meeting was held on December 4, 2004. No votes were taken and no minutes have yet been submitted. The meeting was presided over by President Douglas Bundy. This note was added March 24, 2007 by current President Phillip Porter.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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