of the
Friday, August 17, 1984, in Room 107, Bamberger Hall, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah. The business meeting of the International Society of Unified Science was called to order at 3:14 by Frank Meyer, president. Ten members were present.
- The secretary read the minutes of the business meeting of the eighth annual convention. They were accepted.
- Next, treasurer Rainer Huck presented his report. The current net balance of ISUS, as of August 15, was $2436.29. Rainer stated that membership is on a 12 month basis. Member Frazer recommended that payment requests for membership be placed in Reciprocity. The treasurer‘s report was approved.
- Editor of Reciprocity Jan Sammer gave his report. Only 1 issue was published in the last year and 1 issue was about to be published. Sammer requested more papers, camera-ready submissions with wide margins, and letter-quality type (as by a daisy wheel printer). Other topics included the following:
- the policy of acceptance of papers; last year‘s changes were reaffirmed.
- from what city to mail Reciprocity; the decision was to do the typesetting in Princeton and the printing and mailing from Salt Lake.
- policy for ISUS News; the decision was to concentrate on social aspects of the society for this publication. Also the physics course conducted by member Satz should be publicized here.
- the means to catch up on publication schedule; members Curtin and Schumacker proposed a series of double issues of Reciprocity to be published; Huck seconded. The motion carried.
- new column; Larson suggested that we scan the literature for new things in physics that are easily explainable by the Reciprocal System. Members Curtin and Halprin volunteered for this task.
- serialization of Volume II of Revised Structure: this was agreed upon for upcoming issues of Reciprocity.
- content of Reciprocity; member Halprin moved and member Frazer seconded that Reciprocity have 5 elements: {1) to let us read the contributed conference papers, (2) to appeal to a wider readership than members alone, (3) to be a stimulus for discussion, (4) to use as a means of conducting an on-going “think tank”, and (5) to have questions put up for readers to answer. The motion carried.
- The president then asked for Old Business. There was none.
- The president next asked for New Business. This produced a lively discussion of new ways to promote the Reciprocal System.
- Member Huck suggested that members buy multiple copies of Larson‘s new book, The Universe of Motion and sell or give as gift to friends or relatives. Many members agreed to do this.
- Member Satz moved and member Curtin seconded that an amount of money for advertisement of Larson‘s new book be put up—the amount to be decided by the treasurer. But the motion was tabled, pending financial clarification by North Pacific.
- Member Curtin suggested that a booth for Larson‘s books and ISUS publications be set up at science conventions around the country (for example, meetings of the AAAS). This was generally conceded to be an excellent idea, but very expensive.
- Member Sammer recommended that each of us prepare reviews of Larson‘s books for the establishment physics press.
- Member Curtin suggested that a news event be made out of what ever you‘re doing in regards to the Reciprocal System.
- Member Schumacher recommended that we advertise (paid or not) the course on the Reciprocal System on radio and in the newspapers.
- Member Sims moved and member Curtin seconded that we have another physics course by Satz given next year. The motion carried.
- Member Sthumacher moved and Halprin seconded that the syllabus for the course be put in Reciprocity. The motion carried.
- The president then went on to the elections of Board members. The following members were elected: Sims, Nehru, Sammer, and Gilroy. Thus the 1985 Board consists of the following individuals: Anderson, Huck, Meyer, Satz, and Studtmann, all up for re-election next year; Curtin, Halprin, Blackburn, Porter, and Schumacher, all with one year left at the end of next year; and Sims, Nehru, Sammer, and Gilroy, all with two years left at the end of next year.
- Elections for officers were then held. Member Huck proposed and Curtin seconded that the current officers, Meyer, Satz, and Huck, stay in office. The motion carried by acclamation. Then nominations were made for vice president. Members Sims and Halprin were nominated but declined. This left Roy Curtin, who accepted the nomination and was elected.
- As it was getting late, member Satz moved and Huck seconded the motion to reconvene the business meeting at 9:00 the following morning. The motion carried. The meeting was recessed at 4:58.
- The meeting was called to order again on Saturday, August 18, 1984, at 9:00 at the same location.
- The president asked for proposals for the site of the 1985 convention. The following cities were considered: Minneapolis, Oxford, Salt Lake, Superior, Huntsville, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Adrian, and Louisville. Member Curtin moved and member Halprin seconded that the president check with member de Lespinasse (not present at the meeting) to see if he will host next year‘s convention in Adrian, Michigan. The motion carried. The proposed date would be August 16 and 17 or August 23 and August 24. Member Curtin and member Halprin then moved that in case member de Lespinasse could not host the meeting than the president will choose another site and poll the board members. The motion carried.
- Member Halprin moved and member Sammer seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:28.
Ronald W. Satz
Secretary, ISUS