Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting of the International Society of Unified Science Inc.
Held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado on August 1, 1987 in Room 210 of the Lorey Student Center
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Meyer at 11:00 AM.
Members in attendance were Brian Fraser, David Halprin, Rainer Huck, Frank Meyer, and Robin Sims. Proxies had been received from Frank Anderson, Ron Blackburn, Roy Curtin, and Ron Satz.
Order of Business:
- Reports by Officers
- Election of Board Members
- Election of Officers
- New Business
President Frank Meyer reported on the change in Reciprocity editorial responsibilities made necessary by Jan Sammer's workload (graduate school, assisting the publication of Dewey Larson's next book, and editing Reciprocity), and asked for volunteers to help with Reciprocity. After a discussion of alternatives, Phil Porter moved (2nd by Rainer Huck) that the Reciprocity editorial responsibilities be realigned as follows:
- Frank Meyer - Administrative Editor
- Jan Sammer - Associate Editor
- K.V.K. Nehru - Associate Editor
- Phil Porter - Associate Editor
The motion carried.
Treasurer Rainer/Huck reported that ISUS was in relatively good shape financially ($4,111.83 current bank balance). A written report will be submitted later.
President Frank Meyer accepted, with regret, Maurice Gilroy's resignation from the board and ISUS.
Election of Board Members:
A review of the 1986 business meeting was given by Frank Meyer and Maurice Gilroy. Due to the lack of a quorum, we were unable to conduct a business meeting Saturday afternoon at Columbia University as scheduled. (Ron Satz had accompanied K.V.K. Nehru on a visit to the newly reopened Statue of Liberty and was delayed by the crowds and traffic.) We held a rather informal business meeting at Jan Sammer's apartment that evening. No minutes of that meeting were published, but we did elect Ron Blackburn, Roy Curtin, David Halprin, and Edwin Navarro to the board.
After some discussion, and to provide a written record, Rainer Huck moved that the ISUS membership (present in person or by proxy) confirm the results of the 1986 election of Ron Blackburn, Roy Curtin, David Halprin, & Edwin Navarro to the board (2nd by Robin Sims). The motion carried.
Frank Meyer announced that board members K.V.K. Nehru, J. Sammer, & R. Sims terms in office expired in 1987, and then called for the nomination of members for election to the board.
- Rainer Huck nominated Phil Porter (2nd by David Halprin).
- Phil Porter nominated K.V.K. Nehru, Jan Sammer, & Robin Sims (2nd by David Halprin).
After some discussion (some persons declined to be nominated), Phil Porter moved that the nominations be closed, and that one seat on the board be declared vacant (2nd by Robin Sims). The motion carried.
Phil Porter moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for those members nominated (2nd by Rainer Huck). The motion carried.
Election of Officers
President Frank Mayer relinquished control of the meeting to Phil Porter.
Phil Porter nominated Frank Meyer for the office of president (2nd by Rainer Huck). Rainer Huck moved that the nominations for president be closed (2nd by Brian Fraser). The motion carried. David Halprin moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for the election of Frank Meyer to the office of president (2nd by Rainer Huck). The motion carried.
Phil Porter returned control of the meeting to Frank Meyer.
Newly reelected president Frank Meyer expressed his appreciation to the membership for their vote of confidence in him.
Phil Porter nominated Rainer Buck for the office of treasurer (2nd by Robin Sims). Robin Sims moved that the nominations for treasurer be closed (2nd by Brian Eraser). The motion carried. Phil Porter moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for the election of Rainer Huck to the office of treasurer (2nd by Robin Sims). The motion carried.
After some discussion of possible candidates for the other offices, Phil Porter nominated David Halprin for the office of vice president (2nd by Robin Sims). This provoked a discussion of the duties of the office of vice president and the effect the location of the officer in Australia would have on the proper execution of those duties. Rainer Huck moved that the nominations for vice president be closed (2nd by Brian Fraser). The motion carried. Phil Porter moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for the election of David Halprin to the office of vice president (2nd by Rainer Huck). The motion carried.
David Halprin nominated Ron Satz for the office of secretary (2nd by Rainer Huck). Phil Porter moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for the election of Ron Satz to the office of secretary (2nd by David Halprin). The motion carried.
Summary of Old Business
Members elected to the ISUS board:
- 1986 election confirmation -
- Ron Blackburn, Roy Curtin, David Halprin, & Edwin Navarro
- 1987 election -
- K.V.K. Nehru, Phil Porter, Jan Sammer, & Robin Sims
Board members elected to ISUS offices:
- President - Frank Meyer
- Vice President - David Halprin
- Secretary - Ron Satz
- Treasurer - Rainer Huck
Reciprocity editorship:
- Frank Meyer - Administrative Editor
- Jan Sammer - Associate Editor
- K.V.K. Nehru - Associate Editor
- Phil Porter - Associate Editor
New Business
Robin Sims Moved that the price that ISUS charges for the Unmysterious Universe by Ronald Satz be raised to $8.50 (2nd by Phil Porter). After discussion of the increased cost of the book to ISUS and what would be a reasonable ISUS markup on the book, Rainer Huck offered an amendment to the motion on the floor so that it would read as above except that the ISUS price be $6.50 (amendment accepted by Robin Sims). Motion passed.
This action was followed by a brief discussion of the cost of Arnold Studtmann's Thesis (Toward a Unified Cosmological Physics). No action proposed.
After a lengthy discussion of the site selection process for this year's conference, and of possible sites for the 1988 ISUS annual conference, Phil Porter moved that:
- That the president of ISUS be directed to conduct a poll of all board members as to the site of next year's meeting by mail, as soon as possible, with the deadline for responses being 10/1/87.
- That the choice of sites listed should be: Toronto, Canada, Portland, Or., & Minneapolis, Mn.
- That a 50% plurality of board members responding be required for board approval of site selection.
- That the site selected be published as soon as possible after 10/1/87.
The motion carried.
Frank Meyer proposed a discussion of ISUS business for the next 24 months. The discussion ranged over the following topics:
- The Reciprocal System (RS) discussion group now functioning in Minneapolis
- The feasibility of ISUS booth? at scientific conferences around the country
- An RS article for Industrial R&D magazine
- Acquiring money from foundations
- Taking advantage of opposition to the superconducting super collider
- The Small Business Innovation Research program as a possible source of funds
- ISUS sponsored RS school/classes
- The feasibility of government grants and how to apply for one.
At this point in the discussion David Halprin moved that the secretary of ISUS be directed to obtain a copy of a U.S. government printing office publication entitled (approximate) "How to apply for grants" (2nd by Robin Sims). After some discussion of what the next step should be (how to make use of the publication), the motion passed.
President Frank Meyer read a letter and a short memorandum entitled "Toward a Larsonian Model of Superconductivity" which he had received from Paul deLespanasse.
President Meyer thanked Maurice Gilroy for recording the minutes of the conference in the absence of the ISUS secretary.
President Meyer asked for a vote of thanks to Phil Porter for acting as host of the annual conference (Moved by David Halprin, 2nd by Rainer Buck, the motion passed).
Brian Fraser moved that the meeting be adjourned (2nd by Rainer Huck), The motion passed.
The 1987 business meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
D. Maurice Gilroy
Guest/Acting Secretary