1993-08-07 18th Annual Meeting of Members, Denver, Colorado, USA

Eighteenth Annual Conference of the International Society of Unified Science, Inc.

Business meeting held August 7, 1993 at the University of Denver Campus, Colorado.

The business meeting of the International Society of Unified Science, Inc. was called to order on August 7, 1993 at 1:50 pm by President Ron Satz. Six members were present in person:

  • Ronald Satz
  • Frank Meyer
  • Phillip Porter
  • Larry Denslow
  • Hoyt Stearns
  • Laura Jean Fremouw

7 Board of Trustee members were present by written proxy:

  • Jim Schmidt assigned his proxy to Ronald Satz.
  • David Halprin assigned his proxy to Ronald Satz.
  • Ed Navarre assigned his proxy to Phillip Porter.
  • Rainer Huck assigned his proxy to Phillip Porter.
  • William Mitchell assigned his proxy to Frank Meyer.
  • Thomas Kirk assigned his proxy to Ronald Blackburn.
  • Ronald Blackburn assigned his proxy to Hoyt Stearns.

The President ruled that because Ronald Blackburn was not present that the proxy of Thomas Kirk could be exercised by Hoyt Stearns.

  1. Hoyt Stearns started to read the minutes of last years meeting. Phillip Porter- moved and Hoyt Stearns seconded that the minutes as just published in the latest issue of ISUS News, not be read, and stand for consideration, as published. The motion, not to read the published version passed.

    President Satz asked for corrections.

    Frank Meyer proposed that item 6.a. be changed to read:

    "Rainer Huck mentioned that Dewey Larson's daughter, Linda, asked ISUS if we would be willing to take over the administration of North Pacific Publishers, in the event that Dorothy Larson becomes unable to carry on. The item was discussed, but no action was necessary or taken."

    Phillip Porter noted that item 3. should have ended with, "The reports were approved as read."

    Phillip Porter noted that in item 5.m. the words, "last book" be changed to, "book Beyond Space and Time", with the words "Beyond Space and Time" underlined.

    Phillip Porter noted that at the end of item 6,h. should be added the line: "The motion for these changes was seconded by Denslow and passed."

    Phillip Porter moved acceptance of the minutes as amended. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed.

  2. Treasurer's report:
    Given by Phillip Porter in the absence of Rainer Huck. From last year's meeting minutes last year's balance was $3,909,82 on Aug 6, 1992- The current checking account balance as of 7-19-93 was 3.4,492.29. Ronald Satz will get detail of income and expenses from Rainer Huck and send it out. Frank Meyer moved acceptance of the report. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  3. Reciprocity Editor's report:
    Frank Meyer reported that only one issue of Reciprocity was published, this past year. with, an issue of ISUS News included. The total cost was under $400 as directed. 250 copies were printed.

    Discussion was held on Reciprocity editorial staffing. Phillip Porter moved acceptance of the report. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed.

  4. Old Business:
    1. Last year's tabled item 6.g, was brought off the table by Phillip Porter. A short discussion followed. The vote for acceptance was ruled as failed because 8 votes were cast in favor and 4 votes were cast against, including proxies. The president ruled that it took a two thirds majority of all board members, whether present or not. to pass an amendment to the Bylaws.
    2. Discussion was held on getting all the back issues of Reciprocity from Frank Meyer's house to ISUS headquarters in Salt Lake City. Frank Meyer moved that ISUS reimburse anybody who will move the back issues from Minneapolis to SLC. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed. Discussion followed on how to obtain back issues. Discussion followed on whether the back issues should be in SLC.
    3. Phillip Porter brought up a problem with item 6.h. of last year's minutes concerning mail ballots and counting non-returned ballots as being "Abstain." No motion was made.
    4. The new ISUS brochure was discussed. Hoyt Stearns moved to accept the new brochure except the video tape information will be removed and the dues amount will be removed. Frank Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passes.
  5. New Business:
    1. Discussion of sending ISUS News to members only as first class mail. ISUS News is going to two libraries, at the current time. Phillip Porter moves that ISUS News no longer be sent out with Reciprocity and that it be printed in limited amounts and send to ISUS members only as first class mail. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passes.
    2. Discussion of Reciprocity peer review process and requirements to have articles published in Reciprocity and having papers rejected. Phillip Porter moved that we table this issue until later. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passes.
    3. Discussion of marketing the Reciprocal System. Targeted marketing of an ISUS book catalogue to a specific mailing list was suggested, although it is expensive. Space ads don't seem to work for us. No motion given.
    4. Frank Meyer moved that Hoyt Stearns replace Edwin Navarre on the Reciprocity Review Committee of the Board of Trustees. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed. Now the Reciprocity Review Committee consists of K.V.K. Nehru, Robin Sims, and Hoyt Stearns.
    5. Discussion of the Reciprocity paper on bi-rotation that has seen rejected. No motion given.
    6. Discussion of establishing a procedure for the Board of Trustee to hold votes by written ballots. Phillip Porter moved ;hat we table this issue until later. Larry Denslow seconded the notion. The motion to table passed.
    7. Discussion was held on having each member bring one additional person to the meeting each year. No motion given.
    8. Discussion was held on finding additional critical experiments. No motion given.
  6. Election of Board of Trustees:
    The acting secretary announced: Nehru, Porter, Sammer, Sims are up for election this year, 1993. Meyer, Huck, Satz, Stearns, Denslow and Mitchell are up for election in 1994. Schmidt, Blackburn, Halprin, Navarro, and Kirk are up for election, in 1995.

    It was pointed out that the Bylaws designate that 1/3 of the board should be elected each year, so five should be elected this year, if possible, and five next year.

    1. Meyer resigned as a Board of Trustee member. Phillip Porter moved we accept the resignation of Frank Meyer. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed.
    2. Larry Denslow nominated Nehru, Porter, Sammer, Simms and Meyer for the five positions on the Board of Trustees to have a term of three fears. Phillip Porter seconded the motion. There was discussion.
    3. Larry Denslow moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for the five nominees. Phillip Porter seconded the notion. The motion passed.

    Therefore the 1993-1994 Board of Trustees consists of Huck, Satz, Stearns, Denslow and Mitchell with one year to go, Schmidt, Blackburn, Halprin, Navarro, and Kirk with two years to go, and Nehru, Porter, Sammer, Sims and Meyer with three years to go.

  7. The president closed the general membership meeting and opened the Board of Trustee meeting for election of officers.
    1. Executive Director/Treasurer: Larry Denslow nominated Rainer Huck for Executive Director/Treasurer. Phillip Porter seconded the nomination. Nominations were closed with a unanimous ballot cast for Rainer Huck as Executive Director/Treasurer.
    2. Secretary: Phillip Porter nominated Larry Denslow for secretary. Frank Meyer seconded the nomination. Nominations were closed with a unanimous ballot cast for Larry Denslow for secretary.
    3. Vice President: Larry Denslow nominated Frank Meyer for Vice President and moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Frank Meyer for Vice President. Phillip Porter seconded the nomination and motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    4. President: Larry Denslow nominated Ronald Satz for President and moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Ronald Satz for President. Frank Meyer seconded the nomination and motion. A unanimous ballot was cast for Ronald Satz for President.
  8. President Ronald Satz closed Board meeting and reopened the general membership meeting.
  9. Frank Meyer moved that the Board review and reappoint the editorial staff of Reciprocity. Phillip Porter seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  10. Frank Meyer moved that appreciation be expressed to this years meeting host, Phillip Porter. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  11. Ronald Satz nominated that the 19th Annual meeting be held in Arizona with Hoyt Stearns as host. Hoyt Stearns will determine where. Phoenix or Flagstaff were mentioned as possibilities. Larry Denslow seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  12. Phillip Porter moved that the meeting be adjourned for now to be continued tonight at 9:00 pm. Frank Meyer seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 pm, August 7, 1993, by President Ronald Satz.
  13. The business meeting of the ISUS, Inc. was again called to order on August 8, 1993 at 9:33 am by President Ron Satz. Seven members were present in person with the same 7 proxies as yesterday:
    • Ronald Satz
    • Frank Meyer
    • Phillip Porter
    • Larry Denslow
    • Hoyt Stearns
    • Laura Jean Fremouw
    • Robert Straehling
  14. Regarding item 5.f. from these minutes yesterday that was tabled, Phillip Porter moved and Frank Meyer seconded that the following Mail Ballot Procedure be accepted as the policy of the Board of Trustees. The following Mail Ballot Procedure passed with a unanimous ballot.

    Mail Ballot Procedure

    This is the procedure for balloting by mail of the ISUS Board of Trustees as established under the provisions of Article V, Section 8, Paragraph b, of the Bylaws of the International Society of Unified Science. There are three possible ways that a ballot by mail may be taken.

    1. Informal path: Any member of the Board of Trustees who wishes to have a matter brought before the board by mail ballot shall contact the President by telephone, mail, fax or any other means and communicate his concerns and request a mail ballot be taken. The President may discuss the issues with anyone he sees fit and create an appropriate mail ballot if he chooses.
    2. Formal written motion: Any two members of the board may submit, singly or jointly, a written motion and request for a mail ballot vote to the President. The written motion and request shall be signed by at least two members of the board and shall include the specific wording of the motion to be voted on. They shall also include any supporting written material which they wish to be considered by the board in deciding upon the motion. The President shall have 15 days after receipt of the formal motion to prepare an appropriate mail ballot and mail it to the Secretary.
    3. Fast track: A written motion, whether in one or more copies, signed by a majority of the board shall be certified as approved when it is received by the Secretary, even if it is not sent to the President. This could result in certified votes as quickly as one day by faxing ballots to Board members with return to the Secretary by overnight mail.

    An appropriate mail ballot shall contain the specific language of the motion under consideration, who submitted the motion and shall have boxes to vote "Yes", "No", "Abstain" and "Hone of the Above". "None of the Above" shall be counted as a "No" vote, but shall indicate that the issue needs more consideration. "Yes" and "No" may be replaced by other choices, if appropriate to the motion under consideration. The mail ballot shall contain the name of the board member to whom it was sent, the Secretary's address to which the completed ballot is to be sent, and a place for the board member to sign and date the ballot to validate it.

    When the Secretary receives a mail ballot from the President he shall send it out to all the board members within seven days with the supporting material and any comments he wishes to make. He shall also include a list of all the board members, their mail addresses and phone numbers to allow board members to easily discuss the motion among themselves, as they see fit.

    All written requests and ballots shall have an original signature of the board member involved, in order to be considered valid. Copies and faxes of signatures shall not be allowed as valid by the Secretary when tabulating a vote. Proxy voting will not be allowed in mail balloting. A board member may withdraw a signed ballot and submit another one anytime before the vote is certified by the Secretary.

    When the Secretary tabulates the ballots and a majority of the board, not Abstaining, have voted one way to decide the issue, then the Secretary shall certified the vote to the board by sending each board member a copy of the results of the vote. The results of all mail ballots shall be printed in the next issue of ISUS News.

    If enough ballots are not returned to the Secretary to allow him to certify the vote then the motion shall be open and decided under old business at the next valid meeting of the board. At such a meeting of the board, written ballots shall take precedence over proxy votes and the outcome shall be determined by a majority of the written ballots, proxy and live votes cast and not abstaining.

    If either the President or Secretary is unable or unwilling to carry out their timely duties under this procedure, then any board member may carry out the steps for them with duplicate ballots so that marked ballots can be returned to the Secretary's last known address as well as to the board member who is acting as Secretary.

    < End of Mail Ballot Procedure >

  15. Regarding item 5.b. from these minutes yesterday that was tabled, Phillip Porter moved and Frank Meyer seconded that the following Editorial Policy for Reciprocity be accepted as the policy of the Board of Trustees. The following Editorial Policy for Reciprocity passed with a unanimous ballot.

    Editorial Policy for Reciprocity

    The editorial staff of Reciprocity shall do the first screening of articles. The Editor will send acceptable papers to the President, or his designee, for peer review.

    If the Editor or President rejects the article it will not be published in Reciprocity, unless it is reviewed and approved by the three man Reciprocity Review Committee of the Board of Trustees.

    The Review Committee can over rule a rejection by a majority vote.

    Rejected articles can be referred to the Review Committee by the author, the Editor or any member of the Board of Trustees.

    If the Review Committee supports the rejection then the author, the Editor or any member of the Board of Trustees can submit the article for consideration to members of the Board of Trustees.

    If eight or more board members indicate their support to the Editor for publishing the paper, that shall over ride all previous rejections and the paper shall be published. If five to seven board members support to the Editor publishing the paper, it shall be published as a minority position paper, and so noted.

    < End of Editorial Policy for Reciprocity >

  16. There was more discussion of Reciprocity paper policy questions.
  17. Phillip Porter moved that the business and Board of Trustees meeting be adjourned. Frank Meyer seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 am, August 8, 1993, by President Ronald Satz.

Respectfully submitted, Phillip H. Porter Acting Secretary

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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