
Concerning astronomy, stars, planets, galaxies.

Here is the Proof: Association of Quasars with Other Astronomical Objects

Here in this diagram, reproduced from D. B. Larson’s book Quasars and Pulsars, is the evidence that confirms the reality of Halton Arp’s “associations” of quasars with other astronomical objects, and thereby not only provides a conclusive answer to the hotly debated question as to where the quasars are located, but also opens the door to a solution of the whole “quasar mystery”.

Supernova 1987A

I have received a number of inquiries as to how well the observations of the supernova that has been observed in the Large Magellanic Cloud agree with the theoretical conclusions about supernovae in general that are expressed in The Universe of Motion. I cannot give a definite answer to this question as yet, since the observational data thus far reported are limited, and to some extent conflicting. However, I can give what may be considered a progress report, based on the situation as it stands in the light of the information that has appeared thus far in the publications accessible to the general public.

The Origins of Planetary Rotation

Basically, modern science does not have any explanation of planetary rotation, nor why all the planets spin in the same direction. But thanks to the Reciprocal System of Theory, and the conclusions derived on planetary formation, we now have the answer buried in the "white dwarf" core of the planet, and its intense magnetic field.

The Mechanism of the Universe

Principal Address to the First Annual NSA Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 20, 1976

The human race, in its modern form, has been observing the universe from the surface of this planet for something like 50,000 years, perhaps as much as 100,000. But only within the last three or four thousand years has it had the capacity to analyze these observations and arrive at conclusions as to their significance. Yet on the basis of this extremely limited experience we somehow feel that we are competent to investigate events which, if they happened at all, happened ten or twenty billion years ago, and other events which, if they are ever going to happen, will not happen for an equally long time into the future.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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