
Concerning planets and moons

The Origins of Planetary Rotation

Basically, modern science does not have any explanation of planetary rotation, nor why all the planets spin in the same direction. But thanks to the Reciprocal System of Theory, and the conclusions derived on planetary formation, we now have the answer buried in the "white dwarf" core of the planet, and its intense magnetic field.

Geochronology: Hiding History in the Past

Part 1 of the Anthropology Series on the Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens. Radioactive decay and stellar generations are used to do a reevaluation of geochronology, how we date ancient history. Natural consequences of this reevaluation bring science in line with religious and mythological dating, and give quite a different perspective on the origins of mankind.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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