
Physics, particles and atoms

The Effect of Gravitation on Radiation

As I pointed out in the article on “Reference Systems” published in the Winter 1977-78 issue of Reciprocity, the representation of the physical universe in a three-dimensional spatial coordinate system is not fully in agreement with reality. This system cannot represent some of the properties that do exist, such as motion in time. whereas it portrays some properties of the universe that actually do not exist, such as the directions of scalar motions.

The Inter-Regional Ratio

At the 1984 ISUS conference in Salt Lake City a discussion of the “inter-regional ratio” concluded with an understanding that each of those concerned should write a statement of his ideas on the subject for publication in Reciprocity. What follows is Dewey B. Larson’s contribution.

Theory of Solids

The objective of the project being undertaken by Professor Meyer and his associates is to test the validity of the explanation of the cohesion of solids derived from a development of the consequences of the fundamental postulates of the Reciprocal System of physical theory, the basic premise of which is that the physical universe is composed entirely of discrete units of motion.

Discussion on Satz's Derivation of Planck's Constant

(1) The ability to move away from established patterns of thinking and strike a new avenue of approach is a rare characteristic but most desirable for research. In his paper, “A New Derivation of Planck's Constant,”1 Satz comes up with such a fresh approach. He suggests that “frequency in the natural sense is the number of cycles per space-time unit.” This is at variance with Larson’s view that “…the so-called ‘frequency’ is actually a speed.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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