Scalar Motion

Scalar motion, linear and angular

The Nature of Scalar Rotation

An article by Maurice Gilroy in a recent issue of Reciprocity1 clearly brings to focus the fact that more fundamental theoretical work needs to be done on the rotational motions of atoms. Few years ago, studying the electric ionization characteristics of the elements in the context of the Reciprocal System, I had come to the same conclusion with regard to the non-conformist nature of the lanthanides. Presently I have made a more detailed examination of the mathematical structure of the scalar rotational motion with a view to obtain some insight into these fundamentals. I am reporting in this Paper the results of this study. My conclusions, as yet, are by no means final. However, it is felt desirable, in view of the maiden nature of the exploration, to invite comments and discussion before bestowing further efforts on it.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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