
Concerning astronomy, stars, planets, galaxies.


In a previous paper1 I worked out the general form of Newton’s Law of Gravitation and applied it to the special case of a planet orbiting the sun. In this case Newton’s Law was modified by the factor

1/(1 - v²/c²)

For the case of an object moving directly toward another object rather than orbiting, the genetal equation reduces to Newton’s Law multiplied by the factor


This paper discusses the forces on stars in a globular cluster. Consider Figure 1; the symbols are defined as follows:

Mg = mass of the stars of a globular ciuster Internal to g that of a particular star

m = mass of that particular star

mp = mass of the nearest neigboring stars

xg = distance of the star from the mass center of the globular g cluster

xp = distance of the star from the mass center of the nearest neighboring stars

A Quasar in the Making?

The Hubble Space Telescope imaged an 800-light-year-wide spiral-shaped disk of dust fueling a supposed "massive black hole" in the center of galaxy NGC 4261 in Virgo. Press release STScI-PRC95-47a indicates, "By measuring the speed of gas swirling around the black hole, astronomers calculate that the object at the center of the disk is 1.2 billion times the mass of our Sun, yet concentrated into a region of space not much larger than our solar system. Hubble also reveals that the disk and black hole are offset from the center of NGC 4261, implying some sort of dynamical interaction is taking place, that has yet to be fully explained."

Perhaps You Are Not Interested In Quasars?

(Promotion for Quasars & Pulsars)

But as a scientist, or a philosopher, you are vitally concerned with the foundations of science, and the task of providing an explanation of the quasars is the great test that the basic laws and theories of physical science are today being called upon to meet: a test in which they are failing badly. Indeed, they are so helpless in the face of this challenge that prominent astronomers are finding it necessary to call for a “radical revision” of existing ideas. Under these circumstances it is highly significant that there is an available system of physical theory that can meet this crucial test; one which can furnish a comprehensive and consistent explanation of the quasars and associated phenomena—galactic explosions, pulsars, white dwarf stars, the recession of the galaxies, and so on.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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