
The number of questions pertaining to the physical universe that remain unanswered to my satisfaction has been increasing over the three decades that span my concern with the subject. Some of these questions tend to be dismissed as given quantities which one must accent as fundamental premises. Why do particles have their particular masses, charges, and angular momenta? Is there an ultimate explanation of gravitationa1 and electromagnetic inter­actions? What is the physical nature of nuclear forces? A long historical sequence of rather spectacular success in technological application of physical principles apparently has tended to further dampen interest in such fundamental issues. Extended mastery of the properties of nature would seem to vindicate those who dispatch these issues as irrelevant to the study of physical science.

But accumulation of physical data which has not been amenable to explanation in terms of known physical principles has been multiplying in recent years. One particularly notes investigations involving elementary particles, pulsars, and quasars. Can such phenomena be satisfactorily understood in terns of known physical principles? Will legitimate extensions of current physical theory provide solutions to the backlog of unanswered questions? Must one again scrutinize the foundations of physical science?

The Reciprocal System, conceived and extensively developed over the past fifty years by Mr. Dewey B. Larson, an engineer from Portland, Oregon, is related to the last question. On the basis of two simple postulates, Mr. Larson has generated a theoretical construct which he maintains is in one- to-one correspondence with the physical universe. In my own rather sporadic examination of the Reciprocal System over the past sixteen years, there were several features which made it appear worthy of serious study. First, it seemed to provide straightforward interpretations of the fundamental questions raised in the first paragraph. Secondly, the Reciprocal System appeared capable of grappling with the accumulation of otherwise unexplained data. Thirdly, it accurately predicted, described, and interpreted pulsars and quasars before they were discovered. Fourthly, the seemingly high densities of pulsars and white dwarfs, a topic of interest to me for many years, apparently found a simple explanation in the postulates of the Reciprocal System without the degenerate Fermi gas concept of quantum mechanics. Finally, I was impressed by the manner in which the Reciprocal System seemed to eliminate all empirical physical constants; constants that remain are clearly associated with the geometry and/or probability considera­tions appropriate to a given situation. The opportunity provided by the National Graduate School to undertake a serious investigation culminating in a doctoral dissertation has thus been utilized in pursuing my simultaneous interests in stellar objects of high density and in the Reciprocal System.

Since beginning my formal doctoral studies into the Reciprocal System, I have discovered a group of like-minded people in various disciplines related to physical science who are also interested in the Reciprocal System. These people, incorporated under the organizational name of New Science Advocates (NSA) and publishers of Reciprocity, have provided a valuable stimulus to my investigation. The interdisciplinary perspectives provided by mathematicians, engineers, teachers, physicists, philosophers, space scientists, and other researchers have proven mutually beneficial. Although I will specifically acknowledge below the assistance of individuals, I wish to thank New Science Advocates as a group for the warm cooperation provided me in my efforts to understand and to analyze the Reciprocal System.

This investigation into the Reciprocal System could not have materialized without the assistance of many people. I thank Dr. Arthur E. Jenner, my former advisor, since retired, and my current advisor, Dr. Andrew D. Fuller, Jr., for their continuing interest, counsel, and encouragement. Their courageous devotion to the search for truth which would support research that could conceivably challenge the foundations of traditional physical thought is respectfully acknowledged.

The forbearance, patience, and cooperation of my wife, Gwen, and of my children, Benjamin, Joel, and Amy, are deeply appreciated: their love has also contributed significantly to the worthwhileness of the project for me.

Almost daily conversations with my friend and colleague, Mr. Wynn Hopkins, chemistry and physics instructor at Crete-Monee High School, Crete, Illinois, have promoted focalization of thought on the Reciprocal System. Also welcome has been discussion with my pastor, the Rev. David regarding possible theological ramifications of the Reciprocal System.

Oral and written communication with Mr. Dewey B. Larson, originator of the Reciprocal System, have provided me with invaluable insight into his thought. I am also extremely grateful to Mr. Larson for helping me to secure some of his more recent publications and for sharing with me in manuscript form his soon-to-be-published opus, Nothing But Motion.

I also owe a debt of gratitude to specific members of NSA for their contributions of thought: Mr. Steven Berline, Prof. Frank H. Meyer, Dr. Rainer Huck, Mr. Fred Jansen, Mr. Ronald Satz, author of The Unmysterious Universe, and Dr. Roy Curtin. Long-distance telephone calls by Mr. Berline and Mr. Jansen to encourage my efforts and to share their thoughts with me added to the pleasure of writing the dissertation. Dr. Huck also provided me with a copy of his research entitled A Critical Evaluation of the Special Theory of Relativity and the Problem of Uniform Motion which has helped to shape my thinking. Two papers, among others, by Prof. Frank H. Meyer, Mass Non-Interaction in Gravitational Motion, and Cosmic Radiation and the Other Half of the Physical Universe, which he so kindly shared with me, have sharpened my understanding of these aspects of the Reciprocal System.

Finally, having daily sought and received the assistance of the Triune God in Christ, I publicly acknowledge His beneficence toward me. Whatever the fundamental postulates of the physical universe ultimately prove to be, I regard Him as its gracious and powerful Creator-Preserver. Our Lord function­ing in His Kingdom of Power provides physics with a fascination for ms second only to that of theology.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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