

In my previous publication The Structure of the Physical Universe, I found it necessary to discuss a very wide range of phenomena in order to get a broad enough coverage to establish the validity of the fundamental postulates on which the work is based. This, of course, limited the space that could be devoted to each subject and precluded any attempt at a detailed examination of specific areas. I have had in mind, therefore, that when the opportunity presented itself, I would follow the original work with some supplementary discussions that would carry the development into more detail in some areas of particular interest. This present volume is a work of this kind, directed primarily at the subject of gravitation: one of the basic phenomena of the universe.

I should perhaps explain why the title is Beyond Newton and not Beyond Einstein, since Einstein’s work is generally regarded as occupying the more advanced position. My findings indicate that Newton’s Law of Gravitation is correct, so far as it goes, and that the functions of such a work as this are first, to clarify the application of this gravitational law in those areas where its validity is now in question, and second, to furnish an explanation for each of the characteristics of gravitation, including particularly the two items which Newton made no attempt to determine: the origin of the gravitational force which he postulated and the mechanism whereby this force is exerted.

In the course of this development it has become apparent that Einstein’s theory of gravitation is not on the main line leading to the defined objectives; it branches off on a side track that leads ta a dead end. It has therefore been necessary to retrace the steps that have been taken under Einstein’s guidance, and to go forward along a new route from the point where Newton stopped to the new destination Beyond Newton.


International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

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