How to calculate the atomic number by a simple equation from Larson's A-B-C notation.
How to calculate the atomic number by a simple equation from Larson's A-B-C notation.
As a result of my recent rereading of various sections of the texts on the Reciprocal System of Theory, with a view to making an attempt to find a simple approach to teach the theory to newly interested “students,” I came across, what appears to me to be, thirteen assumptions, listed below in the form either as a stated assumption or as a question re explicit or implicit assumptions uncovered.
Now to a very important matter for us all to give serious consideration to. I am quoting from a letter, that a disenchanted member of ISUS once wrote to me, and I shall follow it with my own ‘start of an approach’, in the almost vain hope that I may stimulate a reader with some knowledge on Critical points, and Curie temperature, to add to it.
I suggest that there could be a ‘crucial experiment’ to investigate, due to some information I came across a few years ago, about 1992.
A discussion magnetism and the and the Liquid-Vapor criticality point.
A discussion of the intrinsic assumptions made b y other theories, and their implications on trying to understand the Reciprocal System.
Calculations of ionization levels for the elements.
To date, current physics and its adherents have not shown any real depth of analysis into all the theoretically possible types of motion and their concomitant manifestations. So here begins a step-by-step investigation.
This is a follow-up of my recent letter Prof. Frank Meyer, for further clarification of some ideas therein.
This is a follow-up of my recent letter Prof. Frank Meyer, for further clarification of some ideas therein.
When a mathematician analyzes a three-dimensional motion, he usually ‘attaches’ a framework and then discusses the resolutes of the motion, each referred to the separate axes respectively. These resolutes are usually planar projections of a one-dimensional space curve, breaking it down into 3 one-dimensional plane curves.
Summary and overview of what I comprehend re the stages, that current physics has been through, and will be at its hoped-for penultimate goal presently, and what its advocates have achieved and partly solved, and what they hope has yet to be solved, and will be solved, gray matter permitting.
Here we have a limited parallel between the laws of Northern America and the role that they play in the administration of the life of the inhabitants, living therein and the laws of physics, pertaining to all the states of matter, that exist, or may exist, within the Physical Universe.
A short summary of how Larson's integer numbering system works, and the difference between speed and displacement.
The true theory of the physical universe, from microcosmis to macrocosmos.
This is an analysis of those schools of thought and endeavour, which formulate and develop theories and paradigms, and one of its purposes is to highlight source(s) of dissonance, whether cognitive or unknown, with special reference to the Reciprocal System of Theory.
Essentially where you read Analysis, Analyst & Analytical you may assume it encompasses any row of three items in TABLE 1 below.
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