Papers byFrank Meyer

  • Absolute Magnitudes of Physics (PDF)

    A universe of motion compotes the physical universe, in which motion is a reciprocal relation between space and time. All motion consists of discrete units. Each individual unit of motion is a relation between one unit of space and one unit of time, a motion at unit speed. This unit speed and its constituents, clock time and clock space, are absolute magnitudes. Unit speed is identified with the speed of the physical locations of photon. Absolute magnitudes do not exclude relative magnitudes, such as material speed, coordinate space and coordinate time.

  • Are Motion and Space-Time Identical and Quantized?

    An essay presented to the Spring, 1997 meeting of the Minnesota Area Association of Physics Teachers
    on the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota.

  • Benjamin Franklin's Concept of Time (PDF)

    I wish to report why I consider Benjamin Franklin’s animate concept of time a better concept than the clock concept of time presently accepted by many modem physicists.

  • Dr. Arnold Studtmann Has Been Found

    Our ISUS, Inc. Associate Editor, Bruce M. Peret, is a most enterprising operator. As many of you know, we have been searching for our lost colleague and friend, Arnold Studtmann, for a number of years with no success. Bruce, who with his Amiga on-line computer, has been aiming to update and clarify our Membership and Subscriber lists, has an alert, intuitive intelligence of how, when and where to turn up sought for, hard-to-find information.

  • Future Purposes of ISUS, Inc.

    D.B. Larson accomplished two great discoveries before he died. He has clearly shown that, just as Newtonian theory was mistaken when postulating that space and time are unrelated, so modern physics has mistakenly overlooked that space-time is not continuous, as postulated by relativity physics and not inert or stationary, as postulated by both relativity and quantum physicists. Larson's revalued physics, his general reciprocal system of physics, teaches that space-time is identical with motion and quantized.

  • Infinitude of the Private Person--The Case for the Equality of Human Worth

    The Third, non-physical sector of Human Existence, discovered by Dewey Larson1, enables us to distinguish between a physical and a non-physical world of human worth.

    Your physical worth, like your performance and your longevity, is finite. This is your market worth, which exists only in relation to the global market, a finite whole of nothing but a diversity of commodity values.

  • Motion and Space-time are Essentially Related and Quantized

    The essence of this doctrine was presented to the Fall Meeting of the Minnesota Area Association of Physics Teachers,
    October 25, 1997 in the Physics Building, Room 210, of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis campus.

  • Response to Dr. Ronald W. Satz's Resignation from ISUS, Inc.

    Former member Ronald Satz has some honest differences with some ISUS members, but the differences do not warrant his leaving ISUS with the claim that we who remain betray Dewey Larson's seeking after Truth.

  • Review: Beyond Space and Time

    North Pacific, 1995. 374 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-913138-12-6

    Review by Professors Frank H. Meyer and Otto H. Schmitt

    Dewey B. Larson reports in Beyond Space and Time that humankind is hurt both in science and religion much more by what we know that isn't so than by what we don't know.

  • Review: The Neglected Facts of Science

    This book performs a lasting service to all natural philosophers and physicists. It discloses why and how the physical universe is the world of space and time. Larson's work thus continues the important contribution of Einstein when he challenged and changed some of Newton's conjectures about the nature of space and time. Newton's scholia erroneously avowed that space and time are essentially unrelated (exist absolutely independently of one another).

  • Time of Planetary Perihelion Motion (PDF)

    Perihelion is the name for a discrete location a planet occupies momentarily once during every cycle of its periodic motion about the sun; the planet when at this location is nearest the sun. The location does not remain the same from one cycle to the next. Since successive cycles occur at different times, the location changes with the progress of time. This displacement of place with time constitutes perihelion motion of a spatial location at definite, measurable time and motion rates. The object of this paper is twofold: A.

International Society of  Unified Science
Reciprocal System Research Society

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