

  1. John, Laurie, Cosmology Now, Taplinger Publishing Co., New York, 1976, p. 85.

  2. Verschuur, Gerrit, Starscapes, Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1977, p. 143.

  3. Shklovskii, I. S., Stars, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1978, p. 66.

  4. Struve, Otto, Elementary Astronomy, Oxford University Press, New York, 1959, p. 296.

  5. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1976, p. 86.

  6. Gold and Hoyle, Paper 104, Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy, edited by Ronald N. Bracewell, Stanford University Press, 1959.

  7. Verschuur, Gerrit, op. cit., p. 102.

  8. Harwit, Martin, Astrophysical Concepts, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1973, p. 43.

  9. McCrea, W. H., Cosmology Now, edited by Laurie John, op. cit., p. 94.

  10. Bethe, Hans, Technology Review (MIT), June 1976.

  11. Pasachoff, Jay M., Astronomy Now, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1978, p. 135.

  12. Bok, Bart J., The Astronomer’s Universe, Cambridge University Press, 1958, p. 91.

  13. Irwin, John B., Sky and Telescope, Nov. 1973.

  14. Trimble, Virginia, Earth and Extraterrestrial Sciences, March. 1978.

  15. Hoyle, Fred, Frontiers of Astronomy, Harper & Bros., New York, 1955, p. 278.

  16. Hartmann, William K., Astronomy: The Cosmic Journey, Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA, 1978, p. 365.

  17. Hershfeld, Alan, Sky and Telescope, Apr. 1980.

  18. Couper, Heather, 1978 Yearbook of Astronomy, p. 190.

  19. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 60.

  20. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 386.

  21. Silk, Joseph, The Big Bang, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1980, p. 177.

  22. Rees, M. J., The State of the Universe, edited by G. T. Bath, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1980, p. 35.

  23. Jastrow and Thompson, Astronomy, Fundamentals and Frontiers, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974, p. 231.

  24. Cudworth, K., Astronomical Journal, July 1976.

  25. Freeman and Norris, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1981.

  26. Datrow, Karl, Scientific Monthly, Mar. 1942.

  27. Hogg, Helen S., McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1982, p. 13-53.

  28. Struve, Otto, Sky and Telescope, July 1955.

  29. Greenstein, J. L., McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, p. I3-49.

  30. Pasachoff, Jay M., op. cit., p. 87.

  31. Kirshner, Robert P., Scientific American, Dec. 1976.

  32. Struve, Otto, Sky and Telescope, June 1960.

  33. Hogg, Helen S., Encyclopedia Britannica, l5th edition, p. 17-605.

  34. Lohmann, W., Zeitschrift für Astrophysik, Aug. 1953.

  35. Von Hoerner, Sebastian, Astrophysical Journal, Mar. 1957.

  36. Inglis, Stuart J., Planets, Stars and Galaxies, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1961, p. 309.

  37. Burnham, Robert, Jr., Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, Dover Publications, New York, 1978, p. 1294.

  38. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 110.

  39. Aller, L. H., Encyclopedia Britannica, l5th edition, p. 17-600.

  40. Ibid., p. 17-602.

  41. . Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 144.

  42. Gamow, George, The Creation of the Universe, Viking Press, New York, 1952, p. 46.

  43. Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., p. 133.

  44. Herbst and Assousa, Scientific American, Aug. 1979.

  45. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 225.

  46. Maffei, Paolo, Monsters in the Sky, The MIT Press, 1980, p. 129.

  47. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 227.

  48. Ibid., p. 285.

  49. Ibid., p. 186.

  50. Ibid., p. 193.

  51. Ibid., p. 109.

  52. Mitton, Simon, op. cit., p. 89.

  53. Aller, L. H., op. cit., p. 17-596.

  54. Neugebauer and Leighton, Scientific American, Aug. 1968.

  55. Wilson, Olin C., et al., Scientific American, Feb. 1981.

  56. Baker and Fredrick, Astronomy, Ninth edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 197 I , p. 393.

  57. Kraft, Robert P., Scientific American, July 1959.

  58. Bumham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 590.

  59. Harwit, Martin, op. cit,. pages 24 and 345.

  60. Lynden-Bell, Donald, Cosmology Now, op. cit., p. 50.

  61. . Jastrow, Robert, Red Giants and White Dwarfs, Harper & Row, New York, 1967, p. 41 .

  62. Silk, Joseph, op. cit., p. 257.

  63. Maffei, Paolo, op. cit., p. 205.

  64. See, for instance, Hartmann, op. cit., p. 295.

  65. Eddington, Arthur, New Pathways in Science, University of Michigan Press, 1959, Chapter VII.

  66. Plavec, M. J., McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, p. 13-118.

  67. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 165.

  68. Greenstein, J. L., Stellar Atmospheres, University of Chicago Press, 1960, p. 676.

  69. Bohlin, R. C., et al., Astrophysical Journal, Jan. 15, 1982.

  70. Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., p. 182.

  71. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 194.

  72. Hartmann, William K., op. cit, p. 338.

  73. Jeans, James, The Universe Around Us,fourth edition, Cambridge University Press, 1947, p. 236.

  74. Allen, David, 1973 Yearbook of Astronomy.

  75. Underhill, Anne B., Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1968.

  76. Baker and Fredrick, op. cit., p. 372.

  77. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 407.

  78. McLaughlin, Dean B., Sky and Telescope, May 1946.

  79. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 334.

  80. Ibid., p. 333.

  81. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 995.

  82. Ibid., p. 1263.

  83. Bok, Bart J., Scientific American, Mar. 1981.

  84. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 207.

  85. Ibid., p. 215.

  86. Feynman, Richard, The Character of Physical Law, MIT Press, 1967, p. 30.

  87. Harwit, Martin, Cosmic Discovery, Basic Books, New York, 1981 , p. 57.

  88. Allen, David K., 1981 Yearbook of Astronomy, p. 201.

  89. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 337.

  90. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 214.

  91. Davis and Day, Water, Doubleday & Co., New York, 1961, p. 117.

  92. Basko, M. M., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Feb 15, 1980.

  93. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 209.

  94. News item, New Scientist, Apr. l I , 1974.

  95. Ebbighausen, E. G., Astronomy, Charles E. Merrill Books, Columbus, Ohio, 1966, p. 57.

  96. Hogg, Helen S., Encyclopedia Britannica, l5th edition, p. 17-604.

  97. Bok and Bok, The Milky Way, 4th edition, Harvard University Press, 1974, p. 249.

  98. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 112.

  99. Struve, Otto, Sky and Telescope, Apr. 1960.

  100. Ebbighausen, E. G., op. cit., p. 76.

  101. Harris, W. E., Astronomical Journal, Dec. 1976.

  102. Burbidge, M. and G., Scientific American, June 1961.

  103. Harris and Racine, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1979.

  104. Larson, R. B., Nature, Mar. 3, 1972.

  105. Bok and Bok, op. cit., p. 97.

  106. Blitz, Leo, Scientific American, Apr. 1982.

  107. Wyatt, Stanley P., Principles of Astronomy, third edition, Allyn and Bacon, Boston,1977, p. 562.

  108. News item, Sky and Telescope, Oct. 1975.

  109. Bok and Bok, op. cit., p. 160.

  110. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 284.

  111. Gamow, George, op. cit., p. 94.

  112. Wyatt, Stanley P., op. cit., p. 568.

  113. Verschuur, Gerrit, op. cit., p. 102.

  114. Ibid., p. 105.

  115. News item, Nature, July 12, 1974.

  116. Thackeray, A. D., The Magellanic Clouds, edited by Andre B. Muller, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1971, p. 14.

  117. Westerlund, Bengt, ibid., p. 31.

  118. Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, ibid., p. 36.

  119. Oort, J. H., ibid., p. 189.

  120. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 1546.

  121. Ibid., p. 347.

  122. Philip, A. G. D., Sky and Telescope, July 1978.

  123. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 309.

  124. Van den Bergh, Sidney, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1975.

  125. Kudritzki and Simon, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Dec. 1, 1978.

  126. Hunger, K., et al., Astronomy and Astrophysics, March I, 1981.

  127. Kaler, James B., Sky and Telescope, Feb. 1982.

  128. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 943.

  129. Liller and Liller, Scientific American, Apr. 1963.

  130. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 2120.

  131. Abell, G. O., Astrophysical Journal, Apr. 1966.

  132. Pasachoff, Jay M., op. cit., p. 143.

  133. Aller and Liller, Nebulae and Interstellar Matter, edited by Middlehurst and Aller, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1968, p. 558.

  134. Smith and Aller, Astrophysical Journal, Mar. 1, 1971.

  135. Greenstein, J. L., Scientific American, Jan. 1959.

  136. Greenstein, J. L., McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, p. 14-633.

  137. Liebert, James, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1980.

  138. Stothers, Richard, Astronomical Journal, Dec. 1966.

  139. Greenstein, J. L., Astronomical Journal, May, 1976.

  140. Shipman, H. L., Astrophysical Journal, Feb. 15, 1979.

  141. Greenstein, J. L., Stellar Atmospheres, op. cit., p. 689.

  142. Van Horn, H. M., Physics Today, Jan. 1979.

  143. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 198.

  144. Aller and Liller, op. cit., p. 483.

  145. Kraft, Robert P., Scientific American, Apr. 1962.

  146. Ebbighausen, E. G., op. cit., p. 101.

  147. McLaughlin, Dean B., Stellar Atmospheres, J. L. Greenstein, editor, op. cit., p. 640.

  148. Ibid., p. 593.

  149. Kraft and Luyten, Astrophysical Journal, Oct. l, 1965.

  150. Joy, A. H., Stellar Atmospheres, J. L. Greenstein, editor, op. cit., p. 668.

  151. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 225.

  152. Joy, A. H., op. cit., p. 666.

  153. Haro, Guillermo, Non-Stable Stars, edited by G. H. Herbig, Cambridge University Press, 1957, p. 26.

  154. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit., p. 174.

  155. Ibid., p. 123.

  156. Warner, Brian, Sky and Telescope, Nov. 1973.

  157. Burnham, Robert, Jr., op. cit. p. 928.

  158. Ibid., p. 218.

  159. Schatzman, E, Stellar Structure, edited by Aller and McLaughlin, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1965, p. 329.

  160. Joy, A. H., op. cit., p. 672.

  161. Gallagher and Starrfield, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1978.

  162. McLaughlin, Dean B., Stellar Atmospheres, op. cit., p. 647.

  163. Walker, Marshall, The Nature of Scientific Thought, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963, p. 132.

  164. Davies, Paul, The Runaway Universe, Harper & Row, New York, 1978, p. 159.

  165. Jeans, James, op. cit., p. 279.

  166. Ibid., p. 281.

  167. Gorenstein and Tucker, Scientific American, Nov. 1978.

  168. Neugebauer and Becklin, Scientific American, Apr. 1973.

  169. Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., p. 250.

  170. Branch, David, Astrophysical Journal, Sept. 15, 1981.

  171. Minkowski, R., Nebulae and Interstellar Matter, edited by Middlehurst and Aller, op. cit., p. 629.

  172. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 297.

  173. Ibid., p. 226.

  174. Kowal, Charles T., Astronomical Journal, Dec. 1968.

  175. Poveda and Woltjer, Astronomical Journal, Mar. 1968.

  176. Shklovskii, I. S., op. cit., p. 257.

  177. Minkowski, R., op. cit., p. 652.

  178. Ibid., p. 658.

  179. Mitton, Simon, The Crab Nebula, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1978, p. 42.

  180. Ibid., p. 56.

  181. Shklovskii. I. S., op. cit., p. 270.

  182. Poveda and Woltjer, Astronomical Journal, Mar. 1968.

  183. Smith, F. G., Pulsars, Cambridge University Press, 1977, p. 9.

  184. Harwit, Martin, Cosmic Discovery, op. cit,. p. 243.

  185. Ibid., p. 327.

  186. Hoyle, Fred, From Stonehenge to Modern Cosmology, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1972, p. 62.

  187. Shklovsky, I. S., Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Apr.-May 1980.

  188. Smith, F. G., op. cit., p. 220.

  189. Ibid., p. 169.

  190. News item, Sky and Telescope, Dec. 1979.

  191. Smith, F. G., op. cit., p. 229.

  192. Ibid., p. 228.

  193. Ibid., p. 9l.

  194. Ibid., p. 103.

  195. Manchester and Taylor, Pulsars, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1977, p. 226.

  196. Smith, F. G., Nature, Dec. 5, 1970.

  197. Manchester and Taylor, op. cit., p. 15.

  198. Taylor and Manchester, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1977.

  199. Manchester and Taylor, op. cit., p. l8.

  200. Ibid., p. 6.

  201. Thome, Kip S., Scientific American, Dec. 1974.

  202. Ruderman, M., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Feb. 15, 1980.

  203. Smith, F. G., Pulsars, op. cit., p. 171.

  204. Burbidge and Burbidge, Quasi-Stellar Objects, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1967, p. 52.

  205. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, op. cit., p. 179.

  206. Bok and Bok, op. cit., p. 168.

  207. Shklovskii, I. S., Stars, op. cit., p. 256.

  208. Moore and Stockman, Astrophysical Journal, Jan. l, 1981.

  209. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, op. cit., p. 108.

  210. Ibid., p. 180.

  211. Mason and Cordova, Sky and Telescope, July 1982.

  212. Fabian, Andrew C., Earth and Extraterrestrial Sciences, Feb. 1973.

  213. Giacconi, R, quoted by Fabian, ibid.

  214. Fabian and Pringle, New Scientist, Feb. 7, 1974.

  215. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 371.

  216. Kylafis, N. D., et al., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Feb 15, 1980.

  217. Holt and McCray, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1982.

  218. Shklovskii, I. S., Stars, op. cit., p. 384.

  219. Gursky and Van den Heuvel, Scientific American, Mar. 1975.

  220. Shklovskii, I. S., Stars, op. cit., p. 400.

  221. News Item, Nature, Jan. 26, 1973.

  222. Cocke, W. J., et al., Nature, Sept. 26, 1970.

  223. Radhakrishnan, V., et al., Nature, Feb. l, 1969.

  224. Giacconi, R., Physics Today, May 1973.

  225. Shklovskii, I. S., Stars, op. cit., p. 244

  226. Charles and Culhane, Scientific American, Dec. 1975.

  227. Rothchild, R. E., Earth and Extraterrestrial Sciences, Mar. 1979.

  228. Giacconi, R., Scientific American, Feb. 1980.

  229. Mitton, Simon, The Crab Nebula, op. cit., p. 172.

  230. Verschuur, Gerrit, Starscapes, op. cit., p. 171.

  231. Weymann, R. J., Scientific American, Jan. 1969.

  232. Harwit, Martin, Cosmic Discovery, op. cit., p. 23.

  233. Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., p. 254.

  234. Strittmatter and Williams, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1976.

  235. Feynman, Richard, op. cit., p. 155.

  236. Harwit, Martin, Cosmic Discovery, op. cit., p. 244.

  237. Shklovskii, I. S., Stars, op. cit., p. 288.

  238. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, op. cit., p. 135.

  239. Bahcall and Hills, Astrophysical Journal, Feb. 1, 1973.

  240. News Item, Nature, Sept. 7, 1968.

  241. Bohuski and Weedman, Astrophysical. Journal, Aug. 1, 1979.

  242. Hewish, A., Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1970.

  243. Verschuur, Gerrit, Starscapes, op. cit., p. 116.

  244. Arp, Halton, Astrophysical Journal, May 1967.

  245. Arp, Halton, private communication.

  246. Hogg, D. E., Astrophysical Journal, Mar. 1969.

  247. Macdonald and Miley, Astrophysical Journal, Mar. I , 1971 .

  248. Kellerman, K. I., Astronomical Journal, Sept. 1972.

  249. Arp, Halton, Science, Dec. 17, 1971.

  250. Burbidge and Burbidge, op. cit., Chapter 3.

  251. Burbidge and O’Dell, Astrophysical Journal, Dec. 15, 1972.

  252. Miller, Joseph S., Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Dec. 8l-Jan. 82.

  253. Rieke and Lebofsky, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1979.

  254. Stein, W. A., et al., Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1976.

  255. Disney and Veron, Scientific American, Aug. 1977.

  256. Shipman, H. L., Black Holes, Quasars, and the Universe, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston 1980, p. 215.

  257. Sandage, Allan R., Astrophysical Journal, Nov, 15, 1972.

  258. News item, Sky and Telescope, Jan. 1982.

  259. Faber and Gallagher, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1979.

  260. Toomre and Toomre, Scientific American, Dec. 1973.

  261. Dufour and Van den Bergh, Sky and Telescope, Nov. 1978.

  262. Overbye, Dennis, Sky and Telescope, July 1979.

  263. Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., p. 240.

  264. Gursky and Schwartz, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1977.

  265. Metz, William D., Science, Sept. 2l, 1973.

  266. Bond and Sargent, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Nov. I, 1973.

  267. Kristian, Jerome, Astrophysical Journal, Jan. 15, 1973.

  268. Kellerman, K. I., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Feb. 15, 1980.

  269. Hey, J. S., The Evolution of Radio Astronomy, Neale Watson Academic Publications, New York, 1973, p. 169.

  270. Shipman, H. L., Black Holes, op. cit., p. 204.

  271. Fanti, R., et al., Astronomy and Astrophysics, Apr. 1, 1973.

  272. Verschuur, Gerrit, Starscapes, op. cit., p. 157.

  273. Shipman, H. L., Black Holes, op. cit., p. 180.

  274. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, op. cit., p. I 12.

  275. Hartmann, William K., op. cit., p. 290.

  276. Ibid., p. 374.

  277. Ibid., p. 375.

  278. Hoyle, Fred, Galaxies, Nuclei, and Quasars, Harper & Row, New York, 1965, p. 4.

  279. Rogstad and Ekers, Astrophysical Journal, Aug. 1969.

  280. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, op. cit., p. 107.

  281. Burbidge and Burbidge, Nature, Oct. 4, 1969.

  282. Sandage, Allan R., Scientific American, Nov. 1964.

  283. Harwit, Martin, Cosmic Discovery, op. cit., p. 145.

  284. Weedman, Daniel, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1977.

  285. Mitton, Simon, 1973 Yearbook of Astronomy.

  286. Maffei, Paolo, op. cit., p. 288.

  287. Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, op. cit., p. 120.

  288. Clark, George W., Scientific American, Oct. 1977.

  289. Leventhal and MacCallum, Scientific American, July 1980.

  290. Harwit, Martin, Cosmic Discovery, op. cit., p. 146.

  291. Ibid., p. 147.

  292. Einstein, Albert, The Structure of Scientific Thought, edited by E. H. Madden, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1960, p. 82.

  293. Feynman, Richard, op. cit., p. 156.

  294. Ibid., p. 171.

  295. Shipman, H. L., Black Holes, op. cit., p. 19.

  296. Ibid., p. 16.

  297. Ibid.. p. 63.

  298. Ibid., p. 98.

  299. Ibid., p. 66.

  300. Burbidge, Geoffrey, Sky and Telescope, Sept. 1983.

  301. Davies, Paul, Science Digest, Sept. 1983.

  302. Dingle, Herbert, A Century of Science, Hutchinson’s Publications, London, 1951 , p. 315.

  303. Andrade, E. N. DaC., An Approach to Modern Physics, G. Bell & Sons, London, 1959, p. 134.

  304. Heisenberg, Werner, Philosophic Problems of Nuclear Science, Pantheon Books, New York, 1952, p. 55.

  305. Margenau, Henry, Quantum Theory. Vol. I, edited by D. R. Bates, Academic Press, New York, 1961 , p. 6.

  306. Feynman, Richard, op. cit., p. 129.

  307. Heisenberg, Werner, op. cit., p. 38.

  308. Bridgman, P. W., Reflections of a Physicist, Philosophical Library, New York, 1955, p. 186.

  309. Maffei, Paolo, Beyond the Moon, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1978, p. 301.

  310. News item, New Scientist, Oct. 17, 1968.

  311. Davies, Paul, The Runaway Universe, op. cit., p. 33.

  312. Larson, Dewey B., The Neglected Facts of Science, North Pacific Publishers, 1982, p. 58.

  313. Bondi, Hermann, Cosmology Now, op. cit., p. 11.

  314. Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., p. 259.

  315. Ibid., p. 271.

  316. Bahcall, J. N., Astronomical Journal, May 1971.

  317. Lovell, Bemard, Cosmology Now, op. cit., p. 8.

  318. Alfven, H., Worlds-Antiworlds, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1966, p. 100.

  319. Silk, Joseph, op. cit., p. 61.

  320. Sciama, Dennis, Cosmology Now, op. cit., p. 67.

  321. McCrea, W. H., ibid., p. 91.

  322. Shipman, H. L., Black Holes, op. cit., p. 256.

  323. Davies, Paul, The Edge of Infinity, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1981, p. 137.

  324. Spitzer, Lyman, Jr., Searching Between the Stars, Yale University Press, 1982, p. 5.

  325. See discussion in Verschuur, Starscapes, op. cit., p. 190.

  326. Calder, Nigel, The Violent Universe, The Viking Press, New York, 1969, p. 121.

  327. Rees, Martin, Cosmology Now, op. cit., p. 129.

  328. Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press, 1962, p. 67.

  329. Lovell, Bernard, Cosmology Now, op. cit., p. 7.

  330. Verschuur, Gerrit, The Invisible Universe, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974, p. 139.

  331. Kellerman, K. 1., Physics Today, Oct. 1973.

  332. Feynman, Richard, op. cit., p. 160.

  333. de Vaucoleurs, G., Sky and Telescope, Aug. 1978.

  334. Shapiro, Irwin, Technology Review (MIT), Dec. 1975.

  335. Walker, Marshall, op. cit., p. 28.

  336. McVittie, G. C., General Relativity and Cosmology, Chapman & Hall, London, 1956, p. 5.

  337. Heisenberg, Werner, Physics and Philosophy, Harper & Bros., New York, 1958, p. 129.

  338. Heisenberg, Werner, Physics and Beyond, Harper & Row, New York, 1971, p. 123.

  339. Heisenberg, Werner, Philosophic Problems of Nuclear Science, op. cit., p. 55.

  340. Waismann, F., Turning Points in Physics, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1959, p. 154.

  341. Bridgman, P. W., op. cit., p. 93.

  342. Lindsay, R. B., The Role of Science in Civilization, Harper & Row, New York, 1963, p. 84.

  343. Walker, Marshall, op. cit., p. 6.

  344. du Nouy, P. L., The Road to Reason, Longmans Green & Co., New York, 1949, page20.

  345. Ford, K. W., Scientific American, Dec. 1963.

  346. Ford, K. W., The World of Elementary Particles, Blaisdell Publishing Co., New York, 1963, p. 214.

  347. Einstein and Infeld, The Evolution of Physics, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1938, p. 159.

  348. du Nouy, P. L., Between Knowing and Believing, David McKay Co., New York, 1966, p. 239.

  349. Gold, Michael, Science 84, Mar. 1984.

  350. Schorn, Ronald A., Sky and Telescope, Feb. 1984.

  351. Hoyle, Fred, Science Digest, May 1984.

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