This volume applies the physical laws and principles of the universe of motion to a consideration of the large-scale structure and properties of that universe, the realm of astronomy. Inasmuch as it presupposes nothing but a familiarity with physical laws and principles, it is self-contained in the same sense as any other publication in the astronomical field. However, the laws and principles applicable to the universe of motion differ in many respects from those of the conventional physical science. For the convenience of those who may wish to follow the development of thought all the way from the fundamentals, and are not familiar with the theory of the universe of motion, I am collecting the most significant portions of the previously published books and articles dealing with that theory, and incorporating them, together with the results of some further studies, into a series of volumes with the general title The Structure of the Physical Universe. The first volume, which develops the fundamental physical relations, has already been published as Nothing but Motion. This present work is designated as Volume III. Volume II, Basic Properties of Matter, will follow.
As stated in Nothing But Motion, the development of thought in these books is purely theoretical. I have formulated a set of postulates that define the physical universe, and I have derived all of my conclusions in all physical fields by developing the necessary consequences of those postulates, without introducing anything from any other source. A companion volume, The Neglected Facts of Science, shows that many of the theoretical conclusions, including a number of those that differ most widely from conventional scientific thought, can also be derived from purely factual premises, if some facts of observation that have heretofore been overlooked or disregarded are taken into consideration.
As explained in the introductory chapter of this volume, astronomy is the great testing ground for physical theory. Here we can ascertain whether or not the physical relations established under the relatively moderate conditions that prevail in the terrestrial environment still hold good under the extremes of temperature, pressure, size, and speed to which astronomical entities are subjected. In order to be valid, the conclusions derived from theory must agree with all facts definitely established by astronomical observation, or at least must not be inconsistent with any of them. To show that such an agreement exists, I have compared the theoretical conclusions with the astronomical evidence at each step of the development. It should be understood, however, that this comparison with observation is purely for the purpose of verifying the conclusions; the observations play no part in the process by which these conclusions were reached.
There are substantial differences of opinion, in many instances, as just what the observations actually do mean. Like the situation in particle physics discussions in previous publications, the “observed facts” in astronomy are often ten percent observation and ninety percent interpretation. In those cases where the astronomers are divided, the most that any theoretical work can do is to agree with one of the conflicting opinions as to what has been observed. I have therefore identified the sources of all of the astronomical information that I have used in the comparisons. Since this work is addressed to scientists in general, rather than to a purely astronomical audience, I have taken information from readily accessible sources, where possible, in preference to the original reports in the astronomical literature.
Once again, as in the preface to Nothing But Motion, I have to say that it is not feasible to acknowledge all of the many individual contributions that have been made toward developing the details of the theoretical system and bringing it to the attention of the scientific community, but I do want to renew my expression of appreciation of the efforts of the officers and members of the organization that has been promoting understanding and acceptance of my results. Since the earlier volume was published, this organization, founded in 1970 as New Science Advocates, has changed its name to the International Society of Unified Science, in recognition of its increased activity in foreign countries, three of which are currently represented on the Board of Trustees.
Publication of this present volume has been made possible through the efforts of Rainer Huck, who has acted as business manager of the publishing project, Jan Sammer, who has handled all of the many operations involved in taking the work from the manuscript stage to the point at which it was ready for the printers, and my wife, without whose encouragement and logistic support the book could not have been written. also participating were Eden G. Muir, who prepared the illustrations, and Ronald Blackburn, Maurice Gilroy, Frank Meyer, and Robin Sims, who assisted in the financing.
March 1984
D. B. Larson
Copyright © 1959, 1971, 1984
By Dewey B. Larson
All rights reserved