Project Omicron has a number of members that are also members of the International Society of Unified Science (ISUS), studying Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System of theory.
Project Omicron has a number of members that are also members of the International Society of Unified Science (ISUS), studying Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System of theory.
Modern physics continues to view space as a container in which the material universe is constructed, and time merely as an 'inconvenience', being no more than a linear measurement of change, and not considered to be part of the constructs of space.
The Reciprocal System altered this view by making space and time aspects of motion, and motion as both the container, and containee, of the constructs of the universe.
Frank Meyer raises the question of "motion prior to matter" in this article [Solid Cohesion and the Expanding Universe, Reciprocity XVI, #3, p. 13]. This concept is derived from the progression of the natural reference system?1 unit of space per 1 unit of time—the motion of "no-thing" which is assumed to exist prior to any displacement resulting in the formation of matter.
The ratio of 1/1 equals 1, unity. "Unity," being composed of two aspects, is the ultimate oxymoron.
An index by Volume, author and paper title of all of the periodicals that ISUS has produced (New Science Advocates, Reciprocity and ISUS News).
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